The April batch of Early Reviewer books is up!

First, make sure to sign up for Early Reviewers. If you've already signed up, please check your mailing address and make sure it's correct.
Then request away! The list of available books is here:
The deadline to request a copy is Friday, April 23rd at 6PM EST.
NOTE: Two of the ebooks this month are available to read online-only, so make sure before you request that you are willing to read the book on your computer, online (as opposed to downloaded, on your computer/ereader/phone/etc.), because you're responsible for reviewing any book you win.

Thanks to all the publishers participating this month!
Kregel Publications | Penguin | Putnam Books |
Grand Central Publishing | Henry Holt and Company | Ballantine Books |
Canongate Books | Bell Bridge Books | Tundra Books |
WaterBrook Press | The Permanent Press | Del Rey |
Doubleday Books | Demos Medical Publishing | Frog Legs Ink |
PublicAffairs | Hol Art Books | PublishingWorks, Inc. |
Hesperus Press | Faber and Faber | W.W. Norton |
Hyperion Books | Picador | Seven Stories Press |
HarperCollins | Harper Paperbacks | Avon Books |
North Atlantic Books | Pomegranate | Wild Wolf Publishing |
St. Martin's Griffin | Zed Books | Chalice Press |
Bantam Dell | Candlewick | MIRA |
Chin Music Press | Harlequin Teen |

Labels: early reviewers
Excited about Linda's new book? Come see her and other fantastic authors at Authors in Kind, a literary luncheon for God's Love We Deliver on Thursday, April 22nd. For more information and ticket sales, please call (212) 294-8162 or email
Okay, I've gotta know - the Little Women and Werewolves that for real, or is that an April Fool's joke?
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