Local books, virality and Twitter
Some highlights:
- L.A. Times' Jacket Copy, "Can Local Books iPhone app be a literary UrbanSpoon?"
- Huffington Post picked it up.
- New Yorker: Book Bench (brief notice)
- The Unquiet Librarian
- Resource Shelf
- The Proverbial Lone Wolf Librarian
- TeleRead
- A Bibliophile's Bookshelf
- Public Library Association blog.
- UBiT 2010 (Norwegian)
Maybe I'll change my mind if someone at the New York Times notices the New Yorker or L.A. Times pieces, and decides to write their own!
Labels: local books
The LA Times article points out a problem I pointed out previously here:
Namely, the old fairs/festivals. Since 2008/2009 have been removed as possible dates, it's impossible to mark mark them as defunct without changing the year of the event. Can you fix?
I can't find a Library Thing app in the app store. Is this for iPhone's only? Does it not work on iPod Touch? If not, why not?
Ah, found it now I re-read it was called local books, but still puzzled why searching for LibraryThing fails to bring up anything.
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