Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A new holiday for December: Do Nothing but Read Day

Do Nothing but Read Day is this Sunday, December 20th.

It all started by a library science student wishing out loud that she could spend a day doing nothing but reading. She then started a blog to make it happen.

Here are the requirements:
  • you must read more than one book (they can be short, also short stories and audiobooks count!)

  • comfy clothing (jammies preferable)

  • no shoes (slippers are ok)

  • mugs of beverages and snacks
  • sleepy cat(s)

  • blankies

Add the tag DNBRD2009 to whatever books you're going to read, and check out the tag page to see what others are going to be reading on Sunday!

The catch is that if you're reading all day, you can't post in the Talk thread about it on Sunday. So, go and discuss it now (and afterwards).

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Blogger Jessamyn said...

Ah, a great idea, but Sunday is actually the Solstice celebration here in the hinterlands so maybe I'll swap days and DNBR on our actual Solstice!

12/16/2009 2:54 PM  
Blogger RuTemple said...

I work on Sunday, so I too will be celebrating DNBR on Monday the Solstice. What a great idea!

12/17/2009 12:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Don't wait until Sunday to get the book...I like the idea...I'll try...but I have to be smarter than the book...I will have to stop for football - sorry, but there are some traditions around Christmas that cannot be interrupted - even for reading.

12/17/2009 4:00 AM  
Blogger Perplexity Peccable said...

No, no, no, not BEFORE Christmas - make this a holiday AFTER. This is my typical December 26, but this year I'll do "nothing but read day" Dec 27.

12/17/2009 8:26 AM  
Anonymous Andromeda said...

Aw, man. What a great idea. Anyone out there willing to celebrate "do nothing but babysit my toddler day"? I feel slippers and libraries calling.

12/17/2009 1:00 PM  
Blogger Heina said...

I have to tutor that day as well as go out for dinner for my better half's birthday, and I work an unconventional schedule. I'll probably just celebrate DNBR tomorrow.

12/17/2009 2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perplexity has it right. Having "peeked" by checking my Amazon Wish List, I know I'll have LOTS of new reading material for the 27th!

Also a new blanky, and will warm up the cats for a day of frantic napping. Life is good!

12/17/2009 2:57 PM  
Blogger Kristi said...

We have Solstice Service at our church on Sunday too. However, maybe Mother Nature is bringing the snowstorm to promote DNBR? :)

12/18/2009 3:49 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

As I frequently say in regards to the December-holidays: "Really, shouldn't EVERY DAY be Christmas?" (This mantra works especially well when deciding on impulse Costco-purchases.) But I digress. (Already.) Hence: So shall I decree that in my home, every day to be DNBR Day. PJs, geriatric dogs (rather than cats - which is almost the same thing including urine-odor); coffee in the morn, beer/wine/hard liquor in the eve; multiple books (though I'm loosely interpreting this to mean each person in my home is reading a different title).... And don't forget the pizza. Or the nachos.

12/19/2009 1:28 AM  
Anonymous BobC9 said...

I go along with the day after Christmas. Gives the opportunity to read one of the books received as a present.

12/19/2009 11:10 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Okay...some people cannot read on the 20th...tomorrow...well, guess what - you miss out...rough to be you, but that is the way it is...

12/19/2009 12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love participate in this... but I have to finish up Christmas shopping...

12/20/2009 1:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just saw this -- not too late to participate! I'm off to buy some salt for the snowy/icy pavement and then back to read... :-)

12/20/2009 1:09 PM  
Anonymous mariellew said...

Ok, I'm celebrating this holiday on Xmas day. My family had our Xmas celebration early a few weeks ago, and my sons and their families are out of town today, and I worked most of the day on the 20th, so Merry Christmas to me, my gift to me is Do Nothing But Read day, today, Xmas day!!!!

12/25/2009 1:16 PM  
Blogger neurogrrl said...

I missed it, but there will have to be a mandatory make-up day sometime between now and Orthodox Christmas...

12/27/2009 2:34 PM  

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