Help put used bookstores on LibraryThing

Check out this page and pitch in: Help put used bookstores on LibraryThing
It lists all booksellers—mostly, but not exclusively used—and allows LibraryThing members to connect them to LibraryThing Local venus. Once connected, the local page gets a link to their Abebooks page, and is entered into our upcoming Local Book Search feature.
I'd like to thank Abebooks for cooperation here—allowing us to include results from their affiliates. I say "generously" because "local search" has the potential to cut Abebooks out of the transaction. They feel—and I think they're right—that the loss will be small, and will be offset by the value of giving their affiliates another way to expose themselves to the world, and book lovers another way to discover their books.
As usual, we have a Talk discussion going on about this—how best to do it, etc.
Update: We pushed this a few hours ago, and the response is already huge—more than 130 linkings, by two dozen members. As with IndieBound, I'm in shock at how readily members take up the call. We won't let you down—the upcoming feature is going to be great, and all the better for this work.
Labels: abebooks, indiebound, local book search, used bookstores
So why the change in heart?
What change?
In June, you said you would never put used book store inventory in LibraryThing.
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