Thursday, September 24, 2009

Geeks vs. Nerds: Hard data

LibraryThing's systems administrator, John Dalton, came up with this—using LibraryThing's tagmash feature to demonstrate the difference between geeks and nerds:

See also:

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Blogger Divinenanny said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9/24/2009 3:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" +-- "

Is this supposed to be intuitive? What logic function is this using and how do "ordinary" users know about it? Please post a list of supported search modifers!

Otherwise Cool!

9/24/2009 4:15 AM  
Blogger Donogh said...

Information on this feature can be found on the blog post from last week about Tagmashes

9/24/2009 7:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This absolutely calls for a new statistic/meme: % geek vs. nerd. :)

LT user caffron

9/24/2009 9:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Where did "New Orleans" come from on the nerds, --geeks side? Is this from the current glut of southern vampire/romance/etc books?

9/24/2009 10:58 AM  
Anonymous Amy said...

Surprisingly, a tagmash of "nerds" and "New Orleans" reveals only two books. "A Confederacy of Dunces" is the likely culprit.

I continue to fall more and more in love with this feature everyday.

(LT member ToTheWest)

9/24/2009 12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a false dichotomy. Similar to the false split between right and left brains, or the concepts of mind and body. All of these are one in the same. Geeks are nerds and vice versa. There is neither a left nor right side of the brain, just a brain. Our mind is our body, our body is our mind.

9/24/2009 3:49 PM  
Anonymous lorax said...

That's awesome.

9/24/2009 4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is cool. I just that it even occurred to anyone to try this way of filtering the data.

Also, shows the benefits of informal cataloging schema as well as formal ones: This kind of playful-yet-interesting stuff.

9/24/2009 6:51 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

This is awesome. I will now keep in mind to tell people I'm a geek instead of a nerd. Thank you!

As for the "intuitive" nature of the "+--" mentioned by the first poster, the "+" is just what a URL-encoded space often looks like. The actual logic function is the "--". If you look at the parameters, you see "geek, --nerd". Replace the space in that with a "+" and you have exactly what you see in the URL!

9/25/2009 9:48 PM  
Anonymous Andrew B said...

Ha, just saw the mashup appear on Digg's twitter bot (tweets about stories that get more than 2000) diggs):

9/26/2009 4:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can "dork" be used interchangeably with either "geek" or "nerd"?

9/27/2009 1:54 PM  
Blogger Simeon Beresford said...

'Can "dork" be used interchangeably with either "geek" or "nerd"?'

Only by Jocks

9/28/2009 12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting...I'd say my geek and nerd friends and I have always thought of it the other way around. Nerds are the computer people, geeks are the scifi/fantasy people.

9/30/2009 8:22 PM  
Anonymous branadain said...

"I'd say my geek and nerd friends and I have always thought of it the other way around. Nerds are the computer people, geeks are the scifi/fantasy people."

I'll second that! Although "computer geek" is probably used more often than "computer nerd" these days, I've always seen "nerd" as a more mathematical- and science-oriented person, and a "geek" (myself proudly included) as someone with a particular fringe interest, such as The LotR, role-playing, or a particular genre of films. Clearly, there is some interchangeability and overlap here. Perhaps a Venn diagram is in order! (Now that's nerdy!)

10/01/2009 8:56 PM  
Blogger Marilyn Bott said...

I'd recommend [American Nerd: the story of my people] by [[Benjamin Nugent]] for a fascinating discussion of the whole topic.

10/03/2009 6:40 PM  
Anonymous Alliebadger said...

This is absolutely hilarious! Love it so very much.

10/04/2009 12:06 AM  
Blogger Anna Nachesa said...

Why is "geek,+--nerds" possible and "geek,+--nerd" gets translated into "geek,+nerds"? (With "nerd, +--geek" there is no such problem though "nerd" still becomes "nerds"). A bug in the engine?

10/04/2009 7:43 PM  
Blogger Benu said...

"Can "dork" be used interchangeably with either "geek" or "nerd"?"

I just did a dork tag mashup and apparently dorks are more interested in Dragonriders of Pern than LoTR or science and computers. But I'd say judging by this, dorks lean more towards nerds than geeks.

10/08/2009 9:53 PM  
Blogger dorkismo said...

Can't resist popping in to say that my book has quite a bit to say on this point-- Dorkismo, the Macho of the Dork.

10/09/2009 4:09 PM  

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