Hugos for two LT Authors!

- Elizabeth Bear—member matociquala , with 1001 books cataloged—won "Best Novelette" for her “Shoggoths in Bloom." Bear won "Best Short Story" in 2008 for "Tideline."
- John Klima—member johnklima, with 1,601 books cataloged—won "Best Fanzine" for his Electric Velocipede.
Labels: hugo awards, librarything authors
Wow! That is fantabulous news! Way to go!
I think with Neil Gaiman it is a matter of so many books, so little time. If he catalogs at all, it would be a private item he started years ago.
I know that is true with so many of my fannish book collecting friends.
Hugs for LT Authors! Hurray!
Huge Congratulations..
well done!
Well apparently we at LT had EPIC FAIL on Neil Gaiman because his most recent blog post (Sept 4, 2009) shows him to be on SHELFARI! I feel betrayed. )-:,
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