Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reoccuring flash mob in Chicago - April 26 and May 3

The flash mob at the Puerto Rican Cultural Center in Chicago went well last Sunday, with volunteers braving dismal Spring weather to battle the uncatalogued books.

The battle rages on, though. Despite 3,151 books cataloged, this library has MORE TO DO. As Sarah says, "kinda takes the flash out of it, but oh well." Nobody expects the flash mob to come back - this is brilliant. Those books won't know what hit them.

Also, this is a unique chance for all y'all who said "Oh, that sounds like fun, too bad I'm busy that day" to get in a few hours of altruistic cataloging.

So, for the next two Sundays (April 26th and May 3rd), there will be more mob-cataloging. The battle starts at 11 a.m. so bring your CueCat, and best snapping fingers. You can see the Puerto Rican Cultural Center catalog here.

I hear tell they had coffee and locally made Puerto Rican pastries last week, which are both delicious and culturally appropriate!

The PRCC is located at 2700 W Haddon in the Paseo Boricua neighborhood. Feel free to just show up on the day, or send a message ahead of time to let us know you're coming so we'll know how many to expect! Sarah Jackman ( is the contact person for this flash-mob. Feel free to call her at (608) 330-0865 or send her an email.

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Blogger Lilithcat said...

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4/23/2009 10:35 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

I think a recurring flash-mob is called a club.

4/24/2009 4:29 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Flash-mob update!

This is Sarah (who started this cataloging dealy), and I'm very sorry to say I'm stuck out of town tonight and haven't been able to get in touch with any of my peers at the PRCC. They should still be there tomorrow, but on the off chance that they aren't, tomorrow may not be the best day to come try out our Sunday morning cataloging party. We will absolutely all be there next week, though! And if you do go tomorrow, well - thank you, and I very much hope someone is there to welcome you!

I'm really, really sorry about how last minute this is!

4/26/2009 12:13 AM  
Anonymous Marc said...

I got caught up in a FlashMob in London completely unexpectedly yesterday!! Couldn't believe it. Quite a lot of fun and met some cool people :)

6/24/2009 11:49 AM  

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