Another library cataloged in a day, thanks to the Metadata & Cataloging Department at North Carolina State University Libraries. They descended upon the Joel Lane Museum House in Raleigh, NC (
museum website,
LibraryThing Local page) as their community service outing, to catalog the museum's collection (
here). Not only is the museum the oldest dwelling in Raleigh, but it's also full of rare books and historical documents. The collection also has works on museum maintenance, gardening, antiques, colonial-period America, the history of North Carolina and Raleigh, and a book entitled "
Southern Honor: ethics and behavior in the old South" - which was thusly tagged '

To one-up previous LibraryThing Flash Mobs, this particular mob also scanned some covers! As this escalates, what do you think will mobbers be doing - reading every book as they go?
Read more about the day's adventures from the libloggerazzi:
Circ and ServeShovers and MakersUSF LibraryWhile none of the LibraryThing staff were in attendance, we did send a care package of
cuecats and
teeshirts. There are some New England flash-mobs in the works, which we will personally help rock.
If you're interested in forming a flash mob for a library near you, check out
Tim's blog post, the
How To Flash-Mob with LibraryThing wiki and the
Flash Mob Cataloging Talk group.
Labels: flash mob, flash-mob cataloging, NC, NCSU, party
Yay! I helped tag Bertram Wyatt-Brown's Southern Honor with Dueling!! We are changing classification schemes from the bottom up!!
I wrote a term paper on dueling in Jacksonian America, and remember that book well...
Bertram Wyatt-Brown is a rock star in my book! I love his interpretation of the role of chivalry in southern culture and I am so pleased that Southern Honor is a part of the Joel Lane House Collection.
I'm fourth from the left (with the purple sleeves)! It was a great geeky fun-time.
Kudos to the NCSU Metadata & Cataloging Department!!! I think I'll have to convince my identically named department to undertake the same sort of mission!!
Good to see my alma mater on LibraryThing - being super-hero Flash-Mobbers no less!
Cheers to the NCSU Metadata & Cataloging Dept. team! When/where is your next mission? We've got a small museum in So. Calif. (hint) waiting for a deployment from librarian action heroes like you!
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