Authors: Free barcode scanner or tshirt for all!

So it comes as a surprise to hear LibraryThing called anti-author. (What we are, is against pay-for-review schemes, and authors who think LibraryThing is for posting advertisements and not engaging with anyone.)
So, we're going to prove it. Until May 1, authors willing to join up, become LibraryThing authors and add some books, get a free CueCat barcode scanner, shipped for free. If you'd rather get a t-shirt, we'll send one of those instead.
The rules:
- This applies to new members, or members with less than fifty books added today.
- Your LibraryThing author page has to show at least 10 members with one of your books.
- You have to add fifty books to qualify for the scanner.
- Or: If you have 100 members with one of your books or have had a book on LibraryThing Early Reviewers, we'll send you the scanner before you catalog fifty books.
- Sign up for an account.
- Send an email to Abby at to become listed as an official LibraryThing author.
- When you meet the rules, send Abby your address and we'll send you the CueCat and/or t-shirt.
More for authors on LibraryThing. There are a number of other ways authors can use LibraryThing:
- If you're interested in providing copies of your new books for LibraryThing members to review, check out Member Giveaways or have your publisher participate in Early Reviewers.
- If you'd like to give your fans a chance to chat with you, sign up for an Author Chat.
- If you have upcoming readings or events, you can add them to LibraryThing Local.
We tried to get this offer to Jon Updike, after doing his church, but he died soon after. (Jeremy and the Legacy Library crew REALLY hopes his library is not broken up and unrecorded, like Arthur Schlesinger, Jr's!) We've also offered to do Neil Gaiman's, so far without success. I now extend our invitation to Steven King, a fellow Mainer, and indeed close neighbor to Katya, librarian and flash-mob cataloging's "original cataloging" maven. Anyone got King's email? (Rhetorical question.)
Labels: author chat, authors, cuecat, cuecats, early reviewers, LTER, member giveaways
I love your author program already. I have had at least one join up in my San Diego Bibliophiles group. I have added a few to my interesting library list. And tight now, right upon my desk, is a book given to me by your member give away program by an LT author himself.
Silly nay-sayers!
Hmmm. A little unfair to those of us who've been here for a while, cataloging and contributing and following the rules, and buying our own scanners.
It's unfair in the way that Free Icecream Day at Ben and Jerry's is unfair to people who bought an ice cream on the day before. Which is to say, it's not unfair.
"Authors: Free barcode scanner or tshirt for all!"
A little misleading, then.
Free ice cream day only gives you a small :)
I twittered @neilhimself to take up your offer. Perhaps if more people did, he may give in!
Tweeted to get the word out. I'm already an LT author with 2000+ books in the system, and I love the site.
I was going to add that I live very close to a Famous Writer, but I see you already volunteered me for the project. ;)
No, I didn't volunteer you. I merely used you as bait!
On the other hand, I have twice in the last month had "friend" requests from members with "author" or "writer" as part of their screen name, apparently because I am an LT Author. When I check them out, they don't have any books listed, not even their own, and are not badged as "LT Authors." I find their actions a little off, even a bit creepy.
I have simply ignored them. If other people are noticing this, and complain to them, that might be where the "LibraryThing is unfriendy to authors" vibe is coming from.
I live about a mile from a Famous Author. As he is now spending most of his time in another city, we wouldn't be disturbing him or his family if we went to his house and catalogued his library here.
Yes, but I suggest we not try breaking in. Ditto going to DC and jumping over the fence with CueCats in hand.
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I'm not an author, but I would love love love to have one of these to save me heartache. Can I trade a blog post about them for a free one?
No, I hate paid promotion, however well intentioned. Send us $15 and we'll send you one ;)
Joe Hill is a librarything author, and is Stephen King's son. Have you tried asking him if he could get King to sign up?
Yeah, I know. It seemed kinda... didn't want to go there. Using hapless librarians as horror-author bait is okay, but not using people's children :)
HEY! This librarian is also someone's child (you may consult my parents for more specifics) and is, furthermore, full of hap.
That Katya is definitely happed up on something.
Haphazardly, it happens I am at least happy. (Perhaps.)
I'd say you're more likely to get positive attention from Stephen King if you spell his name correctly.
It would be totally awesome if you cataloged Neil's, Stephen's, and Joe's books!
Yeah, fair enough. I pronounced Gaiman the wrong way for a while too. People kept wondering if I was talking about Neil Diamond?
Based on Neil Gaiman's Tweet from late last night, it looks like he might be considering joining.
I've got a CueCat for mobbing purposes ready for any Famous Authors in the Atlanta area.
I hope you blog about the number of takers you had on this program.
I love LibraryThing!
Neil Diamond's fantasy is overrated, anyway.
Christopher Moore, author of Lamb, Bloodsucking Fiends, and the new Fool, would be a great person to approach for this kind of thing. He is notorious for being very hands on with his fans. You can email him through his website I think he's a big deal, and he's got about 20,000 copies of his books on the site.
Plus, I personally volunteer to travel to Hawaii to catalog his collection!
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