Happy Holidays, from LibraryThing!
Many thanks to all who participated in SantaThing, for bringing new books into a fellow LibraryThing member's home. The SantaThing page is open, so each participant can see who their Secret Santa was, and any suggestions.
Underwaterguy and I have just cracked our new books (thanks, Moomin_Mama and strongstuff). We plan on having a very reading day.
Note from Tim: Many thanks to Sonya and Abby (and Sara!) for doing 95% of the SantaThing work. The ordering was a little easier this year, but there were more Santas—over 370.
Labels: santathing
Thank you so much for the work you did on the Santa Thing. I am a newer member of Library Thing so this is the first time I have participated in this but it was so much fun! I received two wonderful books and the person I selected seems to really enjoy the books I choose for her so it was all good!! I hope you will do this again next year!
I am trying to see which books I am to recieve since I have not recieved them yet. I may just not be as smart as my computer but for some reason I cant figure it out. Any help anyone can give will be much appreciated.
The santathing_thing page (http://www.librarything.com/santathing_thing.php) does not display any information -- merely a "back to SantaThing" link.
Just go to http://www.librarything.com/santathing.php and find your name.
I'm like Jonathan, I can't find out who my Secret Santa was, since nothing displays on that page. :(
I second Mary Kay! Thanks so much for all that work although I've a feeling it must have been fun too!
I had trouble finding my gift until I looked past where my giftee and my names were at the top of the page. Looking down past where it says "SantaThing is now closed for new entrants" is the list, I was able to find my name is this list and also what was chosen for me! I'm so excited and definitely looking forward to receiving 'Bitter Sweets' in the mail. Thanks so much to my Secret Santa Pookie_97! Happy Holidays all!
A Merry Christmas to everyone!
Thank you so much for all your hard work! LibraryThing is a source of real fun for me. And Santa Thing was the favorite part of my holiday.
Thanks so much for doing this. I had tried to see the page, but it just sent me back to the edit format....
I liked my book, and apparently the person I sent to liked hers.
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