This Saturday: Flash-Mob Cataloging Party

Book geeks! We need you! Come, take up
We're having a "flash-mob" cataloging party November 15th, Saturday, in Beverly, MA (just north of Boston). We'll descend on St. John's Episcopal Church, catalog their 1,200-odd books, eat some pizza, talk some talk and leave them with a gleaming new LibraryThing catalog. Books, bibliophiles, conversation, barcode scanners, pizza! (Not to mention Mike, Sonya, Tim, and probably Abby.)
Details: Join us..
* The day: Saturday, November 15th.
* The time: TBD, probably starting at 10:00 or 11:00, but come whenever.
* The place: St. John's Episcopal Church in Beverly Farms, MA (Google map)
See the LibraryThing Local page.
Read the initial blog post.
There's a discussion on the Bostonians group. I'm sure we can figure out how to get even car-less people there. The commuter rail gets you very close to the church.
Come on: Pizza. Laptops. CueCats. Take pictures. Leave after a day's work with a LibraryThing catalog in place. Do good. Have fun.
Just email Sonya @ for details/to RSVP.
Labels: cataloging, flash mob
Interesting pic. My first impression was *not* of CueCats, though.
There's a herding cats joke here somewhere, but I can't quite find it.
Dang! Picked a weekend where I'm driving down to Delaware. Good thing I've already got a CueCat _and_ a Metrologic Voyager. Not that many of those 1200 books have barcodes.
I was just wondering if any of these kinds of events were going to make it down south of the Mason-Dixon line? I live in North Carolina and would love to get together with like minded LT and book lovers to do something like this. :)
There must be other school and church libraries that need this kind of assistance. Let me know if it happens in Philadelphia.
LT Member davidt8
Hi: Are they going to print classification labels (either Library of Congress or Dewey) and tape them on to the book spines? Otherwise, they are going to have a nice author/title list but no way of locating books on the shelves?
Thank you.
John D. Horton MLS
@John D. Horton
We didn't deal with labels, but much of the collection was sorted into sections and we added those section names as tags, so if people find a book they want to read, they will know where to look for it. It's a pretty small collection, so this may be sufficient for now.
They are thinking about the label issue, and now they have records in the system most of which have Dewey numbers, subjects, etc., so they can take this further on their own, and they will.
LibraryThing’s Flash Mob Cataloging Party -- Here's my blog posting on the event, with a few pictures.
what a great idea, helping out with this cause.
I use my CutCat with my Mac all the time :-)
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