Brideshead Revisted giveaway

Check out the Early Reviewers page to request a copy.
So, what's your stance - read the book before seeing them movie, or after? Ok, I realize the book was popular long before the movie ever was in the making, but for those who haven't read it yet, what's the plan? (Weigh in here, in "What's better: reading the book first before watching the movie, or vice versa?")
For more discussion on movies adapted from books, try the Made into a Movie group.
*The site for the movie has a link for advance screenings, which is always fun!
Labels: early reviewers, movies
The book/film debate is mostly beside the point in this case. If the previews for this film are any indication, it has relatively little to do with the book. And that is a pity.
In this case, I saw the film and then went out and got the book.
There have been, as is inevitable in any book->film translation, parts of the story that have had to be compressed, but I certainly felt that the heart of the story was there. So unless the film has changed drastically since I saw it last december, I'd be inclined to disagree. Reading the book after seeing the film filled in some gaps, and explained a few bits that had been a little rushed through.
It is, like any film from a book, going to have people who think that it's sacrilege to deviate from the book at all (which would probably result in a 13-hour TV seri... oh... wait..), and then there are going to be those who dislike the film because the one bit that resonated most with them was omitted.
I enjoyed the film and it certainly gave me a taste for Evelyn Waugh's writing... Although, admittedly, since seeing it, the only of his books that I've read have been the aforementioned Brideshead Revisited, and Decline and Fall.
Disclaimer: I actually worked on the film, although didn't actually know the whole story until I saw the nearly-finished version...
Oh, I can hardly WAIT to see the movie! Curiously, I read a very old Penguin PB discard from my son's give-away box this summer while visiting him in the Other Portland and now feel that I'm am so glad that I did so. But either way works -- if you haven't read it (or seen the TV version) you will be driven to the wonderful book. If you read or have read it first, you will eagerly see the movie. Either way, you'll have the great pleasure of comparing the two and then can go [back] to the series and have triple comparison fun! Either way, you can't lose! (And then, like any fine work, you can go back again and again to all three, as you desire.) Oh joy! O frabjous day!
i really do wanan see the movie, too. i so loved that book, read it 2 times
I usually like to have read the book first, but if you do that, you have to be prepared for the movie to not follow the book too faithfully. I think the whole point is that you have to take the book for what it is, and then take the movie for what it is. It is rare that the movie is completely faithful to the original story. I really have come to regard it as comparing oranges and apples. Of course, there is the occasional frustration of "they could have done this sooooo much better".
I always like to read the book before I see the movie. I've seen the previews and the movie does seem to be very different from the book; nevertheless, I'm still dying to see it. Many times, even if the movie is very different from the book, I still like it and try to judge it on its merit.
How about comparing old movies/ new movies/ books? I remember seeing the old movie, loved it, but never read the book. I don`t plan on seeing the new movie.
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