LibraryThing at the Philadelphia Book Festival

I also gave a talk on the fine, fine merits of LibraryThing.
I met some awesome LibraryThing members, and a number of people who I think will be joining our ranks.
I'm glad to have gone to such a book-lovin' event, in a really cool city.
*Abby was originally supposed to go, but I went in her stead.
Labels: event, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Book Festival, Sonya
That reminds me, there needs to be a LibraryThing representation at the annual Los Angeles Festival of Books. It's huge, it's got writers and most of all it's got booknuts.
But...but...where are the inflatable rhinos???
Glad you had a good time in Philly. I hope either you and/or Abby will be at the National Book Festival in DC in the fall - with a livelier tent, though! :)
Good to meet you and learn about LibraryThing in Philadelphia. I am still trying to figure out ways to communicate with other members.
Sorry I missed you. There were so many things going on in Philly that weekend that I tired myself out and wasn't able to head over. Hope you had a good time.
Where were you guys at The Festival of Books at UCLA? Or were you there and I missed you?
When will you be visiting San Diego? I'll invite the entire LT group of local Bibliophiles pop by ;)
I thought the booth was fine, even without rhinos! It was a lovely opportunity to meet an LT staff person. (And I contributed to Sonya's travel fund by purchasing a tee-shirt!)
Will you guys be at Printers Row Book Fair in Chicago?
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