LibraryThing Love and the Unread Books Meme
Part I
A long-time LibraryThing member, davidabrams, just wrote a love story of sorts about LibraryThing on The Readerville Journal.
He writes,
The Readerville Forum have been having some problems lately (see the discussion on LibraryThing here), and we wish them good luck!
Part II
We've been meaning to blog this for a while, so here it is! This meme has been going around for a while now: Top 106 unread books on LibraryThing. People are going through the top 106 books tagged "unread" on LT, and then marking which ones they've read, which they read for school, which they started but didn't finish, which are on their to read list, which they loathed, which they read more than once...
Personally, I think the fact that most of the top ones are big fat heavy tomes might have something to do with it!
A long-time LibraryThing member, davidabrams, just wrote a love story of sorts about LibraryThing on The Readerville Journal.
He writes,
Not a day goes by when I don't log on and gaze with pride, love and reverence at my online catalog of books. ...In short, it is the answer to the prayer I wasn't even aware I was praying. If LibraryThing is cocaine, then I am a crack whore.How can you argue with that?
The Readerville Forum have been having some problems lately (see the discussion on LibraryThing here), and we wish them good luck!
Part II
We've been meaning to blog this for a while, so here it is! This meme has been going around for a while now: Top 106 unread books on LibraryThing. People are going through the top 106 books tagged "unread" on LT, and then marking which ones they've read, which they read for school, which they started but didn't finish, which are on their to read list, which they loathed, which they read more than once...
Personally, I think the fact that most of the top ones are big fat heavy tomes might have something to do with it!
Labels: meme, readerville
I know that The Loft Literary Center is of interest to many readers...there is a great article in the New York Times today (April 30, 2008) about it. Check it out.
Here is the link to the article
and to the loft
As the person who invented this meme, I am very pleased that it has spread so far!
Wow! Neil Gaiman actually mentioned this meme on a blog post today! Have any other authors noticed it?
Hey! there are some really good books on that list! People don't read/like Ivanhoe? or The Man in the Iron Mask? or...
Now admittedly there are more that I have no intention of ever reading, and some that I read and I'm sorry I did it...but there are some really good, fun books on there. People ought to read them. Hmmm...OK, my LJ may get its first post (I signed up just to read some other people's blogs).
Interesting list. I must admit that I have read 51 of the first 106 listed, very few in school.
Why stop at 106 though? Instead of a more even number? Not that it matters, just curious.
I've just "stumbled upon" this site and OMG!!! For years, one of the ways in which I introduce myself is "a self-proclaimed book whore." I been cataloguing my own books (with passion I might add) for probably 15 years. I haven't even scratched the surface of this fabulous website yet. Oh, when I have more time...
If only I had known....
I use tbr as my unread tag. Sigh.
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