Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Common Knowledge in your library

What just happened. Yesterday saw two huge announcements I'm loathe to "push down."
(What it didn't see was an April Fools message, although some took the 160% increase in sources for one! Does this mean we get to fool people later on this year?)

Common Knowledge in your library.

Today we've introduced our "Common Knowledge" feature directly into your catalog—allowing members to look at and edit series information, important places and the rest directly in their catalog.

To look at it, go to your catalog and choose the "edit" link to the right of the A, B, C, D, E styles. You'll see a number of CK fields as options. To edit CK fields, just double-click in the cell. A CK editing "lightbox" will pop up (see right).

Some thoughts. On one level, this is a minor feature. The data was always a click away. But I suspect it will substantially change members' relationship to Common Knowledge—and make it grow all the faster. Together with my introduction of pages for member's series, CK now "does" something.

Caveats. Right now you can't sort by CK fields, and you can't search by them. Sorting is doable, although it will take some sort. Searching is going to be harder, frankly. But it's not out of the question. Lastly, we still haven't solved CK language issues, so you may get series information in a language you don't understand.

Discuss it here

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


One of the most requested features since CK was introduced! This is going to please so many people. Including me.

Can we have more columns in the catalog now so we can see it all!

4/02/2008 4:01 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

sort of a corollary request...can you guys throw up a "reset to defaults" button on the display styles edit page?

oh, yeah, and this is a great feature. :)

4/02/2008 9:14 AM  
Blogger fluteflute said...

We did see April Fools here:

4/02/2008 1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with reading_fox -- we need to be able to display more columns in our libraries. This shouldn't be too difficult since some of the columns available now are larger than they need to be.

4/02/2008 1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant. Looking forward to playing with this.

Oh, and congratulations on making 200 days without Twittering!

4/02/2008 3:45 PM  
Blogger jjmcgaffey said...

Yay! Thank you!
More columns would be great, and sorting when you get to it. Do the CK fields export at all? (particularly series).
OK, we're a greedy lot. Give us something and we immediately ask for more...

4/02/2008 6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, we need more columns! I also think we need more than 5 display options. There was some mention of this once....

4/03/2008 10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so awesome! Thanks, guys! It's already made me very happy!

I fifth the request for more columns...

4/03/2008 3:18 PM  

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