Twenty-five million books!

Back when we had five million books
It's been a good week. LibraryThing and social cataloging were profiled on All Thing Considered and spent more than a day at the top of NPR's most-emailed list. I was named a "Mover and Shaker" of the library world, a rare thing for a non-librarian. LibraryThing Local, only a few weeks old, hit 20,000 venues (now 23,000). Our Redesign LibraryThing project has been going well too. We unveiled a Bonus batch of free Early Reviewer books. And we opened up the LibraryThing Authors program. We've been unusually busy--my statistics (a new feature)—show I've already written more words on Talk than any other month, but also happy. And did I mention Casey got to talk about LibraryThing in Taiwan? Good times!
Suggestion contest: We've been casting around for an appropriate contest to commemorate the event. We're going to give the book-pile contests a rest for a while; I'm not sure past winners can be topped. And although the LibraryThing haikus are one of my favorite parts of the site, many members find writing and poetry contests intimidating.
Instead, we're going to make the contest about LibraryThing itself. I've opened up a Talk post: Ten ways to make LibraryThing better.
The rules are:
- Post only once.
- Provide no more than ten suggestions.
- Keep the suggestions short--a few sentences at the most!
- Focus on your suggestions, not on others'.
This is NOT a vote! You are free to post whatever suggestions you want, but we aren't going to be tallying up how many times an idea is repeated. Instead, I see this as an opportunity to surface many ideas.
I'm asking that the main thread be kept clear of commentary; I've made a second thread for that.
At the end of our "Week of Twenty-Five Million Books" I'll announce 25 winners. Fifteen will be randomly selected from members who posted. Ten will be selected for one or more of their suggestions. We'll post our favorite suggestions on the blog, and get to work on at least some of them. Winners get a gift account, and their choice of:
- A CueCat barcode scanner
- A LibraryThing t-shirt.
- First dibs on a LibraryThing Early Reviewers book.*
Look out LC! The next big milestone is going to be thirty and then thirty-two million books (specifically 32,124,001). The latter is the size of the Library of Congress, the largest library in the world. That'll going to be something, isn't it?
Update: I forgot Rosina Lippi's banners!
*In case there's a rush, we'll allow no more than ten members to claim first dibs on an individual book. The individual must otherwise qualify. Unfortunately, we do not set the country restrictions, which are about who has publishing rights where.
Labels: contests, milestones, new feature
In the last couple of weeks I have seen LT mentioned in a National Libraries Australia paper and also in a lecture at the State Library of South Australia.
You could have a pool, guess the minute that LT hits your LC mark.
Maybe a t-shirt :
'LibrarythingThing is coming for you, next, Skynet!'
Or maybe this one :-
"LibraryThing is the natural state of mankind," the cataloguer said, still staring somberly at the Cimmerian. "Disorganization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And LibraryThing must always ultimately triumph."
-- not Robert E. Howard
Tim - Speaking of spelling errors, I have to point out that you wrote "Unfortunateley" near the end of your post. This is not to be counted among my suggestions for making LT better (I may or may not enter, don't know yet), just wanted to point it out. ;-)
I'm quite interested to see what ideas people come up with! Thanks for having a contest both thought-provoking and entertaining.
Great idea! Thanks for taking the time to congratulate everyone and give folks more reason to suggest ideas. It's great to see the ideas all in one spot!
Tim, that banner you posted as an addendum? Utterly GORGEOUS!
Hmm, how long does the week of 25 million books last? It's been almost two and I'm kind of curious to find out who won :-)
Heh. I forgot to mention that I was using Plutonian weeks.
(I'll sort through all the answers this weekend.)
TIM - If you're going through suggestions this weekend, you SHOULD close that suggestion thread from further posts. There have been a few new ones today - and as Yvette said, it's been almost two weeks.
THANKS for a great contest! It's been a lot of fun to see everyone's ideas. :-)
A very simple suggestion, but one that would be a blessing to me, personally.
LibraryThing is now an exceptional BookThing. It would be even greater if Library thing were to become a...
CD and LP Thing
DVD Thing
MagazineThing (Using ISSNs and Volumes/issues)
Theatre Programme Thing
That would enrich my life enormously.
Then again, libraryThing already has.
"Theatre Programme Thing"
Nice. Never thought of that.
I don't think this is available.
Idea: I've often wished for a private field - someplace that I could add notes that only I can see.
Reason: I loan books out to friends and then forget who I've loaned it to. I don't want everyone on the internet to see that note, but it'd be nice to be able to keep it all in one place.
It would also be nice to make videos/dvds/CDs easy to add, cause then I really could keep everything in one place.
Hey, we have a private field now! It's called "private comments" and is just as you describe. How's that? :)
First, provide additional methods to automatically fill in fields on books already entered by ISBN (or, if this is already possible, provide better instructions on how do do so). I'm not a librarian, but I'm married to one, and we talk some about various means of cataloging. I get a kick out of viewing how our books are grouped by different systems, and indexing by author and various other fields. It is very tedious to enter all of this mechanically, assuming the info is readily at hand. It must exist for a great number of books in various data bases, and should be easier to access and fill in.
Second, like others, I would greatly appreciate more convenient ways of cataloging CDs and DVDs. I assume the technologies would be quite similar.
Third, there are many peculiarities in the way the system handles books with multiple authors and other slightly non-standard features. Perhaps this could be improved.
Fourth, I have lots of not-yet-catalogued books that show up on your recommended lists. I am hesitant to simply enter them from those lists, because of questions about proper editions, etc. The books are widely distributed across many shelves and many rooms, making cross checking logistically difficult. I may(???) be a bit too compulsive here, but maybe others have suggestions on how this could be facilitated. There are lots of older books, many with no ISBNs indicated, so manual entry will take a long time.
These minor issues aside, as a relatively new user, I am delighted that LibraryThing exists, have already found it useful and fun, and look forward to learning its capacities more fully. Thanks.
My main bit is a for better, more graphical widget for Wordpress, like the flash widget of Shelfari. Pleeeeez!
I would like a possibility to sort the books in several ways. For example: firstly by tag, secondly by author and finally by year of publication. This feature is possible in for example Excel.
You can do that, actually. Just sort by one field, then by another. THe first one you sorted by becomes the "subsort."
Thanks for this. I'm confused however. The system is based around the idea you are proposing--you can give it an ISBN and it will find all the right data. The only exception to this is if you're using the "manual entry" form. But 99% of the time, members find the books they're looking for, and add them.
DVDs and CDs are tricky. We may add it in the future. There are sites that do this, albeit not the way we do.
You're right about multiple authors.
How would you propose the deal with #4. If you don't have the book handy, how are we to know which edition you have?
Thanks for the comments. They are exactly how LibraryThing has gone anywhere.
It would be a good idea to be able to add a wish-list of books that we want to get maybe for our own viewing pleasure. I know I have a lengthy list going on a word document on my computer, but it would be great to have all my book stuff compiled into one location. Then when you do purchase books on the wish-list, they should be able to be transferred over to our catalog.
"At the end of our "Week of Twenty-Five Million Books" I'll announce 25 winners"
Is an LT week some different length from the rest of the world? I've been waiting and watching the (still growing) thread.
When are you going to choose the ideas?!
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