Series improvements
Chris and I have added two small but important features to LibraryThing's amazing member-driven "series" feature (first blogged here).
First, authors now show series as well as works:

Second, I've added a page laying out all the series and series-books in your library. You can find it from your Profile tab under "statistics." Here's one from a user with many series, oakesspalding.

Oh, I forgot. FriendFeed, a fast-rising social-network aggregator I haven't played with, added LibraryThing support a couple days ago.
First, authors now show series as well as works:

Second, I've added a page laying out all the series and series-books in your library. You can find it from your Profile tab under "statistics." Here's one from a user with many series, oakesspalding.

Labels: new feature, series
Thank you for this; I'm amazed that I've got so many series that I wasn't aware of before now....and I can sense the collecting opportunities that now await.
More importantly I'd like to recognise the contribution that so many other members have made to this feature and thank them for their dedication to the communal cause. This is one of the principal reasons why LT is so successful and why I don't begrudge my membership fee, whatever it was and whenever it was I paid; amazing value for money!
Much appreciated! I've wanted the single list of series I have books from since the series feature was announced. Very nice!
Very nice! I just discovered a few books I own are part of series I didn't even know about, so now I have all sorts of things to add to my to-be-read list.
Wow! Having looked at my series stats, I am really surprised at the sort of thing that some people think constitutes a "series".
Awesome! This is something I've been waiting for ever since collections rolled out.
Now for the "Want to be OCD about completing your collections? Click here for the books you're missing..." portion.
Based on my list, series without a series order don't seem to be showing up. Some series, particularly nonfiction, really don't have a particular order. I'm specifically thinking of "The New American Nation" series that I entered.
Stephmo, it's "series", you mentioned the dreaded "C" word! (collections) :p
Andrewb -
Oooopps! Can you tell I have other things on the brain? =)
Okay, so I can be OCD about a lot on this site!
But we're talking about Series!
Thank you for the series feature. It's great!
Wow! I'll be able to find tons of new books to read!
Thank you thank you thank you!
Thank you so much for this! My library is almost entirely comprised of series so this really is great.
By the way --I had an issue when I tried to categorize the manga "Baby & Me" as a series. It only worked if I entered "Baby and Me" in the series field. If I enter it the other way, it ends up linking to a series titled simply "Baby" with no books in it. Is this a bug? It just won't take symbols in this field? Anyway, I worked around it.
Also --in the work details and series pages, volume #7 of Baby & Me shows a wrong author, Hoshino Katsura instead of Marimo Ragawa. Any idea why?
Thanks again!
This is another great thing.
(Now I feel like I'm complaining about the free ice cream, but....)
Ok, so now, on your stats page, it shows the user what books they own in a given series.
The obvious next step:
Would it be possible to list the ENTIRE series, with the missing books shown in a contrasting color or font?
That would make it a one-stop place to visit to realize, "Oh! I never got around to buying Volume N of that series!"
I totally love the series thing!
Thank you so so much!
My first reaction was "yay!"...but now my compulsive need for order is going crazy with all of the duplicate series. I know they've been there all along, but now I can see them.
To many this might seem like a minor announcement, but this is MAJOR for me. I have been trying so many things with tags to accomplish what this does (and does so much better). THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
Very nice!
I absolutely love this feature. I read so many series and it's a great way to see where I'm at in each one. Just a small suggestion among the gazillion that you get. Having the tags show would be quite nice so that when I go to my TBR piles, of which there are many, and select a book in a series I know, at a glance, which is the next in line I need to read.
I truly appreciate every one at LT and all the wonderful things this site gives us readers.
This is cool! I had no idea I had so many series! Which makes me think... Another nice improvement would be a total number in the series, at least for those where the series is a continuing story (like the Harry Potter series - 7). I discovered that I have the first of several series that I never knew were series.
Also, how do I get a book into a series list when it clearly is part of one, but doesn't show? (I have a single volume of Dave Pelzer's books 1 and 2, but only book 3 is listed.)
I love LibraryThing!
have just found series improvements,this is the reason i joined librarything,i have so many books,i didnt know what i had and didnt have,kept buying duplicates,the series page is the icing on the cake,now if i can only find it on my mobile phone i shall be in heaven.
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