February Early Reviewers Books

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The deadline to request a book is Tuesday, February 12th at noon, EST.
The list of available books is here: http://www.librarything.com/er/list
We have 29 books this month, (630 copies in total), from 14 different publishers, including a few new (and big) ones - including Collins, Small Beer Press, and The University of Michigan Press..

Thanks to these publishers for participating, and welcome to all the new participants!

Update from Tim: We've removed one book. As a blog comment pointed out, there is said to be controversy over whether the publisher has the right to publish the book. The publisher puts this front-and-center on their website, claiming the consent is "expressed, albeit obliquely, in the book itself." If the controversy is real, it's clearly in violation of copyright. If false—as I suspect—it's an irritating promotional stunt. Either way, we don't want to have anything to do with it.
Labels: early reviewers, LTER
I'm surprised to see Zireaux's Kamal on this list. The author is suing the publisher over the book being published without his permission.
And it kinda sounds like the publisher agrees that he doesn't have the author's permission...?
Author's statement:
Publisher's statement:
Is LT taking a position on this dispute, or is this news to you?
That's news to me. It also—frankly—doesn't quite add up. Is this some trumped up controversy? I'm not seeing anything about it online, except for some evidence of aggressive marketing.
It's news to me too. I emailed the publisher to get some clarification, but like Tim, can't really find much *about* it...
Tim, Abby, thanks!
Let us know what you find out?
See "UPDATE." The book is gone. Sanguinity: Do you have any relation to the publisher or author?
No connection to either: I was looking up the authors of the books I was interested in and found the author's webpage. I didn't notice what you did, that only the author and the publisher seem to know about the supposed dispute, until after I posted.
If it was a marketing ploy, I feel stupid for having got caught by it, and sorry that I helped propagate it. :-(
Don't feel stupid: either way, it's probably better for LT to just butt out.
The two sites have the same hosting company, among other things. Whatever. I'm just not in the mood to play along with this.
just send the copies you have to the first posters until you run out of them, then let the reviewers decide if the book was worth the normal reviewing process or whether the book needed the hype the publisher felt like creating. Could be interesting. Better to learn it now than years later i.e. JT LeRoy.
Thanks for doing all this and for keeping LT out of the games. This is a great selection of books and a terrific service for all of us would-be early reviewers as well as for the publishers.
The more that I see of this group and program the more I like it! Yes, it is far better to stay out of controversy whether it is real or not as it only makes you stand out as having taken one side or another.
Great selection of books this month and it seems to be that the list is growing!
Keep up the good Work.
I could not figure out how to leave my feedback elsewhere. I just logged on and found out that I am not able to add any more books as I have reached the "free limit" of 200 books. To enter more, I must subscribe for a yearly fee (probably auto renews unless I go and explicitly opt-out).
Unfortunately for you, I was not informed about the "free for the first 200 books" limit prior to my spending hours and hours entering the 211 books I could recall off the top of my head I had read. Perhaps your warning was "hidden" or intentionally non-obvious. For me, that is the same as not being informed. For you it is the same effect, I am departing your service.
I have absolutely no intention of paying you for the priviledge of my updating my own list of books. Are you freakin INSANE?! Good luck with your model (ROTFLMAO - still living in the 1990's with your charging models, I can see).
Just to be clear, I have deleted all of my books and intend for my account to go dormant.
Thank you for the great idea. I am saddened you chose to charge the $10 a month. I don't think I am the only client who feels this way. I am just one in a hundred that is vocal about my choice.
For a response to that comment, posted on ten blog posts, despite the fact that ever team member's email is posted on the blog and there are whole groups devoted to feedback, see http://www.librarything.com/blog/2008/03/all-things-considered-does-librarything.php .
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