Groundhog Day Book Pile Contest

Photo credit: Flickr member x-eyedblonde; CC-Attribution
Interpret it as you like! Extra points if you can raise the temperature in Boston. I'm cold.
More about Groundhog Day on Wikipedia, and of course, the Bill Murray classic.
The rules:
- Post your photos to Flickr and tag them "LTGroundhog" (also tag them "LibraryThing"). If you make a new account it can take a few days for your photos to be publicly accessible, so post a URL to them in the comments here.
- Or, post your photos on the wiki here.
- Or, if all else fails, just email them to and I'll post them.
The deadline: Friday, February 8th at noon, EST.
The prizes: One grand prize winner will receive a LibraryThing t-shirt, and one runner up will get a yearly gift membership (to keep or give away).
Find inspiration in our archive of past book pile contests.
A book pile contest for my favorite holiday?!?!? PSYCH!!! I might actually have to submit one! Thanks, LT!
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I have a question for you which I cannot find the answer to: How do I get a link inserted on my Typepad page? I cannot just paste the code into the html on the sidebar!
<raising temperature>
Damn. Didn't work.
If it makes you feel any better, my office is at the top of a hundred-year-old building, and they don't keep the heating on over the weekend. Monday mornings can get very cold. (I have gloves on now, and it isn't as cold as ht's been some mornings.
Groundhog Day is also Ayn Rand's birthday. This opens some possibilities.
If the groundhog sees that A is, in fact, A, you get six more months of statism.
Why do I have the only photo entered via Flickr? There's only one other entry on the Wiki, so I felt obligated to cross-upload, just so they could keep each other company.
Thanks for keeping me company, AnnaClaire!
Ya'know, we're still the only to photos on the Wiki page and I've still got the only photo tagged on Flickr. What happens if there are only two entrants? Does Tim still have to assign a "second place"?
I emailed one to Abby, so you two aren't left alone.
AnnaClaire - I was starting to wonder the same thing: two entrants, two prizes, that works for me! ;-)
skittles - Glad to know you're joining us, I'm looking forward to seeing your book pile!
I just uploaded my entry (actually there are two; I couldn't decide which version was better) to my Flickr account, but since I just opened the account for that purpose, here are the links:
They are the only two pictures (so far) at my Flickr account, under 'anatomiste'. In the description field there I labeled all the books, so in case you can't see my account the caption says:
From left to right, in an approximate spiral: Dragon's Gate by Laurence Yep; The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder; The Black Seasons by Michal Glowinski; Winter Frost by R.D. Wingfield; The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck; The Sunshine Book by Enid Blyton; The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell; Silent Spring by Rachel Carson; Winter Holiday by Arthur Ransome; If Not, Winter by Sappho (trans. Anne Carson); Emma in Winter by Penelope Farmer; Postman Pat's Winter Storybook by John Cunliffe; and Brambly Hedge Winter Story by Jill Barklem.
What fun! :D
I didn't post before, because I wasn't sure if I was going to get a chance to do this... looks like I just got in under the line!
Wow. Eight entries. Are there usually this few? (Even if it's not quite the mere pair of entries as of.. not even a week ago?)
Abby, I don't want to be pushy, but it has been over two weeks since the deadline.
Unfortunately, Abby saw her shadow.
:) okay, just 4 more week. I can live with that.
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