Photo contest: Twenty-million/Halloween
We're about to hit twenty-million books cataloged. It should happen Monday or Tuesday. Then Halloween is coming up later in the week.
So we're doing a photo contest (see past ones)! Some ideas:
So we're doing a photo contest (see past ones)! Some ideas:
- Make a spooky halloween book pile. Scary books and severed hands?
- Make a twenty-million pile, or better, I'd love to get photos of people blowing out candles on books or whatever. Since we're all virtual now, I'm going to ask all the LT employees to blow out something on a cupcake. Come join us and we'll make a big montage of fire and puffed cheeks.
- Post your photos to Flickr and tag them "LT20millionhalloween" (also tag them LibraryThing). If you make a new account it can take a few days for your photos to be publicly accessible, so post a URL to them here or do 2.
- Or, post your photos on the wiki here.
- Or, if all else fails, just email them to and I'll post them.
Labels: 20 million books, book pile, contest, halloween
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I signed up days ago but they aren't showing up. Here's the links:
Wiki and Flickr hate me...
I see we've passed 20,000,000 books. When did it happen, and who made it so?
I've just posted my contest photo and I see it showing November 2 by a few minutes. It's not even 9 p.m. in my time zone. Were we supposed to follow a different time zone? Hmmmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmmm. Such a fun contest.
I hope it's not too late.
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