Free books: October Early Reviewer books

Thanks to the following 12 publishers, who contributed fiction, non-fiction, poetry and even children's books:
And here's a mash of all the covers:

The deadline to request one of these books is Wednesday, October 10th at noon EST.
What is Early Reviewers? How do I sign up? Where do I post my review? These questions and more are answered here, in the Early Reviewers FAQ.
There's been some talk lately on how to score a book—so for the record, the basic algorithm is randomness, but other factors come into play. For one thing, LibraryThing's matching algorithm will try to match up books with readers, based on the rest of your LibraryThing catalog. And if you complete a review—good or bad!—you're more likely to get another. Finally, getting a free advanced readers copy comes with NO obligation. Under no circumstances will a bad review change your chance of getting another. More on this in the Rules and Conditions.
Labels: early reviewers, LTER, publishers
Such a great range of choices! Good job, LT!
How delightfully wonderful!! So many choices. I would be happy with any of these...thank you so much!
I don't really understand why people who have completed a review should have a better chance of receiving a book than people who have never even had that opportunity. It makes sense for people who DIDN'T review a book they received to have their chances of getting another reduced, but why make it even worse for people who were unlucky the first few times?
Zoe: You're misreading it. If you complete the review, you have a better chance is basically a nice way of saying that if we send you a bunch of books and you never review them, we're not going to keep sending them.
In point of fact not ever having received a book is a plus. So is completing reviews. Having been sent books and not reviewing them is a negative.
Thanks for the clarification! All this time I thought not having received a book was neutral while writing a review of a received book was positive.
I'm adjusting it each time. First time it was basically neutral because not having received one wasn't much of a big deal. By now it's a haves and have-nots thing. We want to spread the wealth somewhat.
No foreigners yet though? It is a great selection, there are a few I'd have selected if the UK where allowed in.
The fiction is intriguing, the nonfiction... not so much. I don't see creative nonfiction well-represented.
Now this is more like it! I can't wait to see what this program is like in a couple years. Wow.
Now, if I could just get some books.... :-)
Odd. I looked at Tokyo Year Zero at Kramerbooks in Washington DC on Saturday night, and almost bought it. How is this an Early Reviewer book? Did Kramerbooks get early copies to sell?
I'm excited by all the choices, though! I've finally signed up for the Early Reviewer program, and requested a (different) book.
Tokyo Year Zero went on sale September 11th - so it's a very recently released book (your reviews will still be early!)
>Did Kramerbooks get early copies to sell?
We're being flexible on the meaning of "early." The really big books have very sharp release dates, pre-publication printings, special campaigns around them and so forth. But that doesn't characterize the industry generally. Down the list things are a bit looser. Only a small percentage of books get separate pre-publication printings too, so some of these are the first printing. They're early. The publishers are looking for buzz and reactions, but they're not necessarily sneak peaks.
I'm sorry, buy Abby and I are on the BALL!
delete "buy," insert "but"
I'm delighted that Canadian LT members can now join in the fun. Thank you!
"buy Abby" is Freudian for "Abby deserves a raise."
It's a good thing I'm good at repression.
Tim, I must say that this Early Reviewer programme for LibraryThing seems to have been one of the LT team's best ideas. I just took a look at the number of requests for texts after having re-read your blog posts on the programme; hundreds of people want to participate for many individual texts!
I really like the synergistic relationship between this programme and the subsequent addition of new (reviews) content to LT itself. This is a good idea all around and feeds into excellent results for LT people, publishers, and your team all at the same time.
Well done!
Love the selection of books. Requested several and crossing my fingers. I'm glad I checked the blog as I noticed this month I didn't have a LT comment about new books being released, has this changed, by chance?
woodbear97 - I just didn't get around to sending the profile comments this time around. I think I'll send out a reminder though, maybe a day before we close the books for requests.
I don't see why it's necessary to send out reminders. There's a blog post and there's an Early Reviewers group, and everyone knew that there would be more books coming in October. Why not just give the books to the people who care enough to check at least one of those places?
Actually I don't believe it's a matter of not caring, it's simply a change from the last couple of months. I noticed in the Early Reviewers group that others were wondering the same thing as myself. So I inquired, Abby answered and I passed along the information to others. Now we know and can set reminders to check the beginning of every month until the new batch comes out.
Molto bene...tutto molto bene.
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