New book pages

At the same time, we didn't want to "take anything away," or dampen the community's characteristic lust for detail, gorgeous detail. So we arranged and rearranged, added pages and changed labels. On the whole response seems to be pretty positive. (Feel free to comment here or there.)
A second goal was to speed loading time, and here we know we've succeeded. Popular books are no longer sand-traps for unsuspecting visitors. Once we install our new web server**, things will take another big jump.
Some new features:
- We've added book descriptions, something we've always lacked. So far they're all in English and all from Amazon. That will change, and members will be able to craft a community summary, free of promotional jib-jab.
- More stats can be seen at a glance, including popularity, recent adders and ratings.
- Instead of a square box, we now have an attractive "default cover" (example book). In the near future we hope to allow members to choose their default cover. As we've mentioned, we'll have some sort of contest for these.
- The main cover is bigger. The top-six covers are shown on the right, with a link to see all covers. Covers there are larger.
- The conversations page looks and works better.
- We haven't found a place for everything on the old work pages. This includes the "elsewhere on the web" section, which had Wikipedia links. We'll get them on soon.
- The "members" page is missing a new "Connections: Who has it?" section. Also coming soon.
- *We have a "customization" page for works already built. It will allow you to determine what the "main page" has. (Don't like tags? Junk 'em.) We aren't going to put customization out there until the feature set and labels have settled down.
Update: We also made similar changes to the author pages. These are still in flux.
*We call them "work pages," but not everyone knows that.
**It came today. Unfortunately, I was sleeping, so DHL will have to come back tomorrow.
Labels: new feature, redesign, work pages
I love the new format! I was wondering when there'd actually be book summaries on the page!
Plus it's stylistically very pleasing to the eye.
Will there be a way for users to write in summaries for books that were added manually?
Unfortunately, I was sleeping,
I was beginning to wonder if you ever did!
I haven't explored it yet, but first impression is that it looks sweet! And I'm glad not to have every single cover trying to load on the page....
Thanks for all your hard work!
I do like the new look. I can't wait until the empty squares disappear in catalog lists too.
gorgeous, thank you
Looks great! Thanks for the hard work.
Typo patrol (with apologies): must mean "appeal" rather than "appear" in third sentence? And "Apprentice" seems neither a correct spelling nor the actual title?
As someone who verified every Wikipedia page I stumbled across, I'm sorry to see them now omitted. But they'll be back? And aren't so reliable in any case.
Another bug remains writ large: basic arithmetic, concerning number of books and users. Still way, way off for a number of titles in my library.
Yay, community descriptions! I've been hoping for those. I'd still like to have them above the reviews, someday when they're more meaningful (and less Amazonful).
Lucian on the brain. Abby fixed the typos.
What is the best way of commenting on the Amazon-imported summaries? The Amazon summary of Paul de Man's Aesthetic Ideology is incredibly snotty, and I'm wondering whether a Talk topic is really the right place to express that. Should I just write a review? How do I indicate its relation to the summary, other than in the text?
I like how the anonymous author says that "despite his Nazism, de Man made some valid contributions to the field of aesthetics." Yeah, right. Some.
Now I'm wondering which of my books has the greatest number of distinct covers!
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I like the larger cover sizes, but it looks like right now that only works with amazon-provided cover images. At least, when I tried re-uploading a user-provided image, it didn't start making it bigger. Any chance user-provided covers will become bigger soon?
I like the better library data parsing. Is there any way that this will be usable for records already in the system (that is, reparsing the MARC data already stored by LibraryThing) or would the books have to be reimported to gain the new/improved data?
Do consider some slight aesthetic tweaks as mentioned by Busifer on the comment thread. There's still (I feel) something odd or perhaps not quite right about placements of elements, labels, appearance of label boxes etc.
Some quibbles:
1. The label 'boxes' have bits of shading in the corners which I find superfluous. As much as possible LT should be muted, and this should extend to the little details that 'jump out' at you rather than remain unobstrusive in the background.
2. The color scheme also seems unbalanced - I'm not quite sure why, but looked at as a whole the cyan boxes seem in tension with the pink? The old work pages seemed to be more *balanced* in this regard.
3. Book cover pictures on the left would balance the page better I think.
4. Why change the page name to 'main page' and 'work details'? Couldn't we maintain the old page names of social info and work details? These were (for me at least) more distinctly named and 'obvious' in the sense that I got a quickly caught on to what it was about. 'Main page' and 'details' cloudens the mind rather than spark curiosity/interest as the previous page names did.
I feel some minor tweaks and naming changes would go a long way to restoring intuitiveness of use. Do consider.
Why not use the old 'Find At...' in place of the new 'buy/swap'? A little too commercial and shelfari-esque for my taste imho.
I don't know about everyone else, but clarity I feel is also an issue. Instead of compressing the page such that information looks jumbled, could we take some elements from the previous details and social info pages and make the page simpler to take in? There's a lot 'going on' in the new work pages that seems to go in multiple directions all at once. More orderliness is preferable. (I'm coming at this from a 'fresh eyes' perspective. Often web designers get 'clutter blindness' or design 'blindspots' when they've worked on a page for such a long time that they've gotten inured to them.)
The new system makes it very hard to correct "your" information. I had just noticed that I had the wrong edition of Blood Music listed on LT and went to change it. But . . . where are the other editions? I know that the edition that I have uses the cover I have selected and is a paperback, but it is listed as a hardcover. Ok, selecting that image didn't change "my" information. But . . . the new page takes away the information about other editions. I can't find a paperback edition to select.
Ack. Going to have to dig up my copy buried somewhere in my house somewhere.
I love the new look!
Am I just not seeing the link that used to return you to the last viewed page in your library?
When you click on the link to see the other cover pictures, you have to use the bottom scroll bar to move over to the right and see them all. Is there any way to change that? It streches out the pages really wide and makes them unapealing...
Hey, can you let me know:
1. What book (or all?)
2. What OS?
3. What browser?
It shouldn't work like that, so we need to fix it.
Every book I've checked including the Blood Music example, one from my library (thegreattim) would be The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.
From the work page, when I click on the link to the other covers, I get the super wide screen display.
OS = Windows Server 2003 R2 "Enterprise Edition" (shh, don't tell. I'm at work :-)
Browser = I.E. 6.0
I'm really liking the new look. I gave myself a while to get used to it before commenting (since "change=bad" somewhere in my head) and it's really grown on me.
For what it's worth, I like your use of stable navigation elements on all pages for the same book. It quickly made me feel there was something solid and reliable about the new layout. [Nothing worse than getting lost!]
Can I second m. fairfield's remark about the return feature. I'm currently working through my catalogue scanning or grabbing covers which I first entered my library. Since the list of pages one can access from the first page only goes up to 7, I do need a place holder while I'm working on this.
a good read.
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