Early Reviewer books on NPR
Two LibraryThing Early Reviewer books have been mentioned recently on NPR, so we figured that deserved some notice here.
The story 'Identical Strangers' Explore Nature Vs. Nurture is about Elyse Schein and Paula Bernstein's* Identical Strangers: A Memoir of Twins Separated and Reunited.
And Disease, Politics Permeate 'The Air We Breathe' is on Andrea Barrett's The Air We Breathe.
We're still/perpetually looking for more publishers to join our Early Reviewer program—more information here: http://www.librarything.com/forpublishers/
And for aspiring readers/reviewers, we'll announce the November batch of available books soon!
Oh, and Tim wants me to remind everyone about the latest book pile contest (below): Twenty-million books and/or Halloween...
*Paula Bernstein is, incidently, also an official LibraryThing Author.

We're still/perpetually looking for more publishers to join our Early Reviewer program—more information here: http://www.librarything.com/forpublishers/
And for aspiring readers/reviewers, we'll announce the November batch of available books soon!
Oh, and Tim wants me to remind everyone about the latest book pile contest (below): Twenty-million books and/or Halloween...
*Paula Bernstein is, incidently, also an official LibraryThing Author.
Labels: early reviewers, LT author, NPR
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