LibraryThing party in Cambridge

When: Saturday, July 28th, 4pm—whenever.
Where: 15 Gurney Street, Cambridge MA (Google map)*. It's about 15 minutes walking from the Square. You can also take the 72 (Huron) bus, and ask for the Fayerweather stop.
RSVP! [Tim writes:] We're throwing it at my parent's house. My mother is beside herself with the idea that everyone with an internet connection will show up. She begs me to get some RSVPs. So, if you're planning on coming, RSVP. But don't let not RSVPing stop you.
We've applied for a don't-ticket-us parking permit for the day, so you'll be able to park on Gurney Street and a neighboring street.
Can't wait to see everyone!
*Google has it wrong. The name of the street is Gurney. "Revere's Corner" stems from a city of Cambridge sign for "Reeve's Corner." Cambridge and the neighboring communities do a lot of this—calling intersections "corners" and naming them after local worthies, mostly war dead (but not here). It's a great thing to do, I suppose, but it sure messes up Google.
Labels: party
Using accelerants is cheating.
(The evironmentally correct way to start a charcoal fire is to use a chimney.)
Who's using accelerants? As you can plainly see from the photograph, I did that with my MIND!
Nora and I will be there! Nora can't wait to see Liam again. :) (And Aunt Abby too, of course.)
Don't have another grill fire! :)
If only the Pacific Ocean wasn't between you and me I could have come!!!
Anyway, I hope everyone present has a fantastic time.
Looking forward to a couple of pictures of the party being uploaded!!!
Adelaide, Australia
I'll be there but only in spirit. Cheers everyone!
(Tim, that's the look on my husband's face when I'm cooking!!)
Since I live on Huron Ave I'll definitely stop by, -that is if it's not too late to RSVP!
Looking forward to actually meeting you and the other locals!
Here's the RSVP! Can't wait!
I will be there, along with my wife and daughter.
We're both planning on being there!
Should we bring food/beverages?
Josh and 'ris
Yes, bring food and beverages. We'd appreciate them. Abby and I will focus on the basics—meat, unmeat, etc.
But don't not come because the baked Alaska melted.
By the way, if there's rain—looks good now—we'll just get a million Emma's pizzas.
Tangent on Emmas: Emma's used to be at the foot of the street, back when Emma was alive. She died and some people who'd never made pizza took it over. For about six months it was randomly terrible--they had no understanding of the crust--but then they figured it out and in a tragic act moved to the MIT area.
Emmas is my madeleine.
You know, I even used to work in Kendall Square, but I've never been to Emmas?
Is that a question?
OK, we are RSVP'ing: two adults and (probably) two children (unless we fob them off on a relative for the day. (Even if they come, they scarcely eat: to a first approximation, they seem to live on air.))
We'll bring some cook-out provisions.
And hey, if you get rained out, we figure that we can use the opportunity to check out McIntyre & Moore, which we haven't seen since they got squeezed out of H. Square.
We're looking forward to meeting you (and lots of other LTers), as well as re-acquainting ourselves with some of the Boston-area LTers we've already met.
- 'As You Know' Bob, for Bob & Maggie
I RSVPd on the Boston board, but I thought I'd post here too. I'll bring some dessert!
I'll be there too! Thanks!
Everyone relax. Anonymous will be there.
If you're the anonymous who leaves nasty comments, we'll have to give you the garlic and anchovies one ;)
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