"Also on" and Second Life

We've been working on some major improvements to our "also on" feature. In short, "also on" allows you to link your LibraryThing profile to your profile elsewhere, such as Facebook, AOL Instant Messenger, MySpace, LiveJournal, and now Second Life.
If you've never seen "also on," check it out. Go to your profile and click "edit profile." We've got almost 100 sites listed so far. We're going to be some interesting things with a number of them, but Facebook and Second Life will get most of our attention.

The Second Life push was inspired by meeting John Lester (SL: Pathfinder Linden) at ALA recently. (Basically, I hailed a guy in a Second Life t-shirt and he turned out to be the operations director of the Boston office of Linden Labs—what luck!) Also, member JPB (SL: Joel CiscoSystems), an amazing Second-Life programmer, has offered to do the "front end" work on Second Life/LibraryThing integration. The "back end" won't be that hard.
First up will be some sort of program to detect when other LT-ers are near you. When you get near one, LibraryThing and Second Life team up to tell you, and mention a book you share in common.
But that's just a first step. JPB has head-spinning plans, and we're happy to help. Come talk about ideas on the Second Life group.
Labels: also on, facebook, second life
also on Tabblo
That's nice about Facebook and co., but could we please have an option to add Google Talk as well?
Hi - the first version of the LibraryThing/SL "tool" Tim mentioned is ready for alpha testing.
If people want to help try it out, send Joel CiscoSystems an IM in Second Life (or JPB a note in LibraryThing) and we can try to find each other in SL, and I will give you a copy of the tool to try out.
goodreads.com would be a good adjunct
Confused about Facebook - it doesn't really have "handles" like other sites. What do you enter to make it work?
Facebook - it's a number that you need, the one following id= when you look at your profile.
(The URL that LibraryThing uses is http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=xxx - it replaces the xxx with whatever number you give).
Any chance of a facebook widget that links to your library thing account(s)?
Yeah. We're working on it next week—we have a FB programmer coming up...
Very cool! Once Ravelry.com is up and running, that might be a cool addition. It's for knitters and crocheters, and there's a big overlap between those groups and readers. The site's still in beta but it's nearly full to bursting already.
I agree with Christina. There is a Ravelry Group called LibraryThing and we give our LT usernames for hooking up over here. There is a Books tab where we can list our LibraryThing books too. The connection to Ravelry should definitely be made available on ALSO ON.
Sure, I'd love to add Ravelry. It looks like it's still private beta, so I can't get in to see what the link should look like though. Do you know what a link to your profile would look like?
Any progress on the facebook app? What is the ETA?
Lots of progress, but we're aiming high. We're about half done.
Agreeing with raphaela - given all the other IM services listed, could you please throw in jabber/XMPP? (Pretty please, with sugar on top and everything.)
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