Web 2.0 Award Winner
We won SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards, in the Books category.

Not to bite the hand that feeds us, but giving Reader2 honorable mention is very strange. Don't get me wrong, Reader2 was a worthy opponent. Dmitry and I started the same week, almost two years ago. But Reader2 didn't get that far, and it hasn't been actively developed in at least a year. Since then more than two dozen sites have entered the market, many better than Reader2. Odd choice.

Not to bite the hand that feeds us, but giving Reader2 honorable mention is very strange. Don't get me wrong, Reader2 was a worthy opponent. Dmitry and I started the same week, almost two years ago. But Reader2 didn't get that far, and it hasn't been actively developed in at least a year. Since then more than two dozen sites have entered the market, many better than Reader2. Odd choice.
Er, why only 3 stars in "interface and design"? Looks like you need to get working on that...
Just kidding!
Congratulations on the award. It's well deserved!
Congrats! I'm glad SEOmoz recognized you all! Though, I think a 5-star rating for 'Usefulness' should've been given. :-D
(I'm still trying to figure out why Webware didn't include LT in its Webware 100 voting. Shameful.)
Yeah, I don't think they're exactly LT's core audience, that books--and pathological bibliophilia are alien to them. And that's good, actually. So many Web 2.0 applications are basically designed and used by the same set of people--cutting edge technology people. But if Web 2.0 has anything real behind it--as I think it does--we should have Web 2.0 sites for all sorts of topics (genealogy, hydrangea care, early music, tea-cup painting) that no self respecting Del.icio.us user would be caught at!
Can't say much about hydrangea care, but I was pretty impressed with this very web 2.0-ish genealogy site: geni.com.
Congrats on the award! I agree with squeakychu, 3 stars for the interface is a bit rough.
Hey, I love the site. What you all need next is to add a librarything facebook application. Someway to hook your librarything books to your facebook account. Flixter does it with movie reviews.
There are other oddities in the SEOmoz Web 2.0 awards. Here's just one:
Real Travel won for best travel site. So -- I go there and take a look at my favorite destination, Italy. The first thing I see is their displayed "best Italy travel photo" from a member. And that photo is of -- Monaco!
Further in, I checked out some hotel reviews in an area I know -- the Amalfi coast. All the reviews I checked had no information except the name of the hotel and whether the member liked it or not. Not a five-star for usefulness in my book.
So -- glad Lt got an award. Even if it is from people who don't seem to have consistent standards for what's good.
>Real Travel won for best travel site. So -- I go there and take a look at my favorite destination, Italy. The first thing I see is their displayed "best Italy travel photo" from a member. And that photo is of -- Monaco!
That's an international incident!
Hi Tim. Enjoyed your talk at the Library meeting in Sligo. As you can see, it has brought me to the site. Addicted already. Pity the weather in the North West of Ireland wasn't better - maybe next time! Best wishes.
One can only wonder why it won an award. I'm staggering through it, and can't get a link to LibrayThing to work.
Peter Williams
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