LibraryThing's John McGrath has debuted a new site, TagsAhoy, with a wonderfully simple idea: searcing your tags across multiple sites.
Cross-site tag searching is nothing new; sites like Technorati do it all the time. But TagsAhoy searches your tags, not someone else's. If you tag a lot, it will come in handy. And you'll wonder why nobody thought of it before.
So far, TagsAhoy searches LibraryThing, Del.icio.us, Flickr, Gmail, Squirl and Connotea. More will come, and John has promised tag clouds and other cool features. Pattered somewhat on the spare design of another of his sites, Wordie ("LibraryThing for words," "Flickr without pictures," etc.) TagsAhoy is super-simple to use.
We at least applaud the name. It's clunky in the way "LibraryThing" is clunky. Or was. Now all the "-Thing" names are bought up and my sub-Lovecraftian joke is almost trendy. We confidently predict "-Ahoy" will be the next "-Thing"*, or even "-cio.us", "-r," "-ster" and "-Space."**
John recently moved to New Jersey and will be transitioning gradually off LibraryThing work over the next few months, as we look for a new PHP programmer with systems skills (job announcement to be posted soon). With TagsAhoy and whatever else his fertile mind creates, Abby, Altay and I wish him well.
*Research suggests PornAhoy.com is an expired domain. It sounds like a site for people who enjoy watching naked people on boats very very far away. There's a market for everything.
**John suggests a site of just Web 2.0 suffixes, ThingAhoySter.
Cross-site tag searching is nothing new; sites like Technorati do it all the time. But TagsAhoy searches your tags, not someone else's. If you tag a lot, it will come in handy. And you'll wonder why nobody thought of it before.
So far, TagsAhoy searches LibraryThing, Del.icio.us, Flickr, Gmail, Squirl and Connotea. More will come, and John has promised tag clouds and other cool features. Pattered somewhat on the spare design of another of his sites, Wordie ("LibraryThing for words," "Flickr without pictures," etc.) TagsAhoy is super-simple to use.
We at least applaud the name. It's clunky in the way "LibraryThing" is clunky. Or was. Now all the "-Thing" names are bought up and my sub-Lovecraftian joke is almost trendy. We confidently predict "-Ahoy" will be the next "-Thing"*, or even "-cio.us", "-r," "-ster" and "-Space."**
John recently moved to New Jersey and will be transitioning gradually off LibraryThing work over the next few months, as we look for a new PHP programmer with systems skills (job announcement to be posted soon). With TagsAhoy and whatever else his fertile mind creates, Abby, Altay and I wish him well.
*Research suggests PornAhoy.com is an expired domain. It sounds like a site for people who enjoy watching naked people on boats very very far away. There's a market for everything.
**John suggests a site of just Web 2.0 suffixes, ThingAhoySter.
How about incorporating one more with ThingAhoyStr? ;)
I'm not able to get my librarything tags. I keep getting "Couldn't read response from service."
anna: surely myThingAhoyStr?
perfect - pirate porn! ahoy!
Cool. Now I'm going to be even more anal about synchronising my tagging structures on librarything and delicious (where a lot of what i'm tagging is fanfic), and even more irritated by the fact that delicious doesn't allow spaces, so only one word tags will really be cross searchable.
Brilliant, thanks!
You are getting through staff at a rate of knots! About one evry six months? You seem such a nice person on talk, are you really that hard to work for?!
The one-word thing on Del.icio.us really irks me. It doesn't reduce cognitive load, it increases it. You've got to shoehorn your mental map into their impoverished UI. Worst, because Del.icio.us took off so much, for reasons unrelated to the single-word notion, it's now become something of a standard. So PennTags, the only library tagging project with any legs, uses it, which means the data there can't be exchanged with LibraryThing.
Hey, Abby's still around. Also, she's locked in my basement.
Wait - "LibraryThing" is a sub-Lovecraftian joke??
and all this time, I've been thinking it was a Troggs reference?
({Troggs on}LibraryThang - you make mah heart sing...{/Troggs off})
My girlfriend got a fantastic job at Rutgers University, in New Jersey. Great as Tim is, I choose her. I wasn't "gotten through" so much as just moved.
The one-word del.icio.us thing drives me nuts, too. I didn't even realize that was the case--I'd somehow been under the impression that quoting let you use multi-work tags--until I saw that "New York" wasn't appearing in my tag list, but York" was. Now I use NewYork, which is just stupid.
One word tags definately suck! And this service definately rocks.
I've been playing around with the search and have noticed a few things (two-word LT tags don't show and searches for one-word tags max out at 100 entries).
Is there going to be a forum so we can help out with testing? :)
All I have to say is TagTagger!
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