Favorite authors, public contacts, other tweaks

I think it adds a fun new dimension to the site, and one we should have had from the beginning. It's a good example of "unlearning the lessons of Amazon." Amazon is a great site, but it conditions everyone's thinking about what a book site should be and do. Marking books makes a lot of sense on a commercial site, but marking authors could distract people from the products. LibraryThing is about distraction, not commerce.
Jane Austen and J. R. R. Tolkien are currently in a no-holds-barred fight for first place. Not a pretty sight.

But public lists have their uses. Sometimes you want people to know who your friends are, or whose libraries you find most interesting. And many people just don't feel the way I do. After a protracted—and not necessarily final—public discussion of terms, I've settled on "Contacts" (public) and "Watch list" (private). I think it's pretty clear in context.
So far, only a few people have public contacts. By default, all watch list entries stayed private. You can flip them to private on your profile.
I've tried to keep the drama low. "Contacts" is purposefully vague, and there is no automatic way to see who has added you on your "contacts" list. I wanted to make it possible to give someone's library a nod, without igniting a full-scale popularity contest. And you can be damn sure I'm not going to start automatically adding me or other LT people to everyone's "contacts" list when they sign up. (I've been thinking that my wife, Lisa Carey, might be added to everyone's favorite author list, however.)
Other features. I've finalized a couple of other small features and feature tweaks:
- Author and book Zeitgeists are now updating more frequently. It's all section-by-section, but everything should turn over roughly once per day.
- The Author Zeitgeist now has a "show more" link for all the categories. Go nuts.
- Talk topics have been partially de-Javascripted, for people who like to use tab browsing. Basically, if you click on the topic itself, it works. If you rely on clicking anywhere in the row, it's still using Javascript and tabbed-browsing unfriendly.
- Recently-tagged books now refresh more frequently. A security problem was also solved.
- Users with your books takes up less space on the screen. A full list—in twice the list—is available if you click "more."
Labels: authors, contacts, features, new feature, watch list
Just to note, you've not made the private-to-public process awfully intuitive if you don't want to make your entire watch list public, just some bits of it! (The answer, for those who are curious, is to take individuals off your watch list via their profiles, then re-add them as public contacts.)
Yeah, I know. I figured I'd ask people the easiest way. It would be easy to put the control on individual profiles. To put it on your watch list directly, I think I need an "edit" link which open "move to X" links next to each name. Ugly.
The link to "Author Zeitgeist" on the blog is not particularly friendly. It asks for some kind of authentication and tells me to go away!
I've been happy to see the main Zeitgeist page updating regularly. How about an update to the Zeitgeist helper page ("this week's top work combiners" has been building for months)?
There is no obvious way to find out who has us on their contacts list? Does that mean there's a non-obvious way? Is it too much to hope that you would condescend to tell us?
BTW, it would be refreshing if you stopped congratulating yourself on having more emotional maturity than your users, and realized that LJ f-list drama is a function of the LJ demographic (teenagers). Have a little faith in your users, please.
Well, the button on the contact's page now says "Remove from contracts". What should I conclude from that? ;)
Thank you for giving the choice between private and public!
On my profile, there is now a line that says "contact list is empty", and under that, it says "array". What is that?
I think I am missing something. I can't figure out how to mark an author as a favorite. Hmmm...Is it really obvious?
If I click on "show more" from the top favorited list, it goes to the 50 top-rated authors, not the complete list of favorited authors. I'd love to see the full list . . . although I realize it will probably end up with a really long (maybe too long) tail.
Becky -
On the right hand side of the Author Page, there should be an option to "add to your favorites". Just click on that.
When I click the "show more" links on the Author Zeitgeist page, all names disappear and "undefined" shows instead.
It looks like you can only designate one favorite? Yes? It would be great to be able to choose a few.
Mollymolo - You can designate multiple authors as favorites. Just click "add to your favorites" on the profile of each author you'd like to include.
sanguinity - it is unfair to lay the blame of LJ drama entirely at the feet of teenagers. "Friends" is a hugely loaded word, and I, for one, am pleased that Tim has avoided using it here.
Very nice! Will the favorites listing also get factored into the affinity percentages? It would be interesting to see who shares favorite authors as well as books.
So what's our age and/or library-size distribution? I've always thought of my nominal on-line "friends" as correspondents unless and until something more develops, but I concur that "contacts" is a good, neutral term for LT.
I've now changed all my real-life friends to Contacts and the people I don't know have stayed on the Watch list (so they don't think I'm stalking them!).
hello... how does one "fave" an author? i went to the author page and couldn't find it.
thanks for your help :)
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