Stars in reviews
Here's a low-hanging fruit. We finally put the review's star rating in the reviews. I think I'll call it a "mashup."
From The Da Vinci Code:

From The Da Vinci Code:

Labels: new feature, reviews
Labels: new feature, reviews
Is this up and functional yet, or coming soon? (I can't seem to find it anywhere on the site.) Is this going to be just on the work pages, or on individual users' review pages?
Yay! I'm so excited to see small but useful improvements.
I'd rather see the stars at the bottom with the name for a bit more consistency (and it looks particularly bad when the stars are on one line and one of the parentheses on another), but that's a minor quibble.
Wow! You guys are just too cool! I love low-hanging fruit, and I think this is great. And CONGRATULATIONS to LT for winning a place in the Web 2.0 awards from SEOmoz! It's that gool old New England ethic, reaping just rewards.
Just for the sake of consistency, it would be nice to have those stars appear in the "see reviews" page that is linked on the profile
Nice! (*****) ;)
Or what about putting the stars at the beginning of the review rather than the end? I really think it would look a lot better if they all lined up, instead of being all over the place.
This is a cool idea, and I mostly agree with Zoe about putting them at the beginning; it would look better, but this is a bit too Amazonian -- it's good to remember that the words of the review are more important that the star rating.
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