Going to Book Expo America in New York

We just found out that the our competitor, Shelfari, is also going to be at BEA this year, and is apparently using some of their Amazon funding to co-sponsor an event. Hey! Well, not only does LibraryThing appear to have sixty-five times as many book lovers as them, but we think we have a lot more to offer authors, booksellers and publishers and we're going to prove it.*

And so was born the LT Author button, a shiny yellow badge that connects an author's "author page" with their profile page. So far LibraryThing has snagged 395 authors. (See the complete list.)
Best of all, they're not just authors who clicked a box. To be part of the program, you have to have a LibraryThing account and put in at least 50 books. What is your favorite author reading? Find out.

Booksellers. We'd love to add more bookstores to our "bookstores that integrate"—adding availability and pricing information on every work page. We've got only three so far, but we'll be adding two major "chunks" of them in the next few months—to at least 100 total. It's a great way for people to be able to see at a glance if a book is at their local bookstore.
Publishers. So far, we're not doing anything for publishers! But there's a big announcement coming soon. Be on the edge of your seats!
So what can we do to make LibraryThing big at BEA this year?
Our big idea so far is a par-tay. Of course, anyone and everyone can find some time to talk to me during BEA, but I'd like to have a big meet-up. Authors, publishers, booksellers, and hey—readers. Anyone in NYC who's around is invited, not just the book-industry professions allowed to go to BEA (they have to restrict it, because there's so much free merchandise on offer.)
I made a BEA 2007 group, post there with ideas of where we should meet (I'm thinking maybe a restaurant near the convention center?). New Yorkers, I call on you for suggestions!
We're also thinking about bring a bunch of CueCats, and giving them out to authors, to entice them into becoming LT Authors... What else?
*[Written by Tim] Shelfari doesn't release any statistics. But they do release the top 20 bookshelves. The 20th bookshelf on Shelfari has 1,360 books. LibraryThing has 1,378 members with that many. Hence 20/1,378 = 68.9 times as large. You will note that we do not abuse our other competitors--just Shelfari. Some of them are quite good! There's a good thread going about them. We want people to check them out, and come back to tell us how to improve LibraryThing!
**"This is me in a nutshell: HELP! I'm in a nutshell!"
(photo by Rick Dikeman on Wikipedia, under GNU Free Documentation License)
Who do I have to bribe to pick up bookmarks for me at the Book Expo?
I'm sure you need a chaperone! You're much too young to navigate the Big City all by yourself. I want freebies too!
If you're around tomorrow, Thursday, 5/31, from 1- 5 pm, stop by our little refreshment booth. We'll be at Entrance 3B near the Food Court. My company is Spier NY. We'll be handing out our own book marks...granted they won't have a picture of a pretty book on it, BUT, while you're there you can enter to win a free weekend stay in a luxury suite at The Alex hotel, or one of five BEA SURVIVAL KITS. My name is Kim, and I hope to see you there. Also, we'll be posting video from the floor all weekend -- visit bea.spier-ny.com. I'll be sure to link to your site!
Abby, I'll be attending BEA for the first time this year! I'm super excited! I will be signing copies of my book in the Romance Writers of America booth (#4949) on Sunday morning from 10:00 - 10:30. Stop in and say hi! I'll have lots of autographed bookmarks. )
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