Metacritic links added
I knocked out a quick feature connecting LibraryThing works pages to their corresponding page on Metacritic. Metacritic is like RottenTomatoes, giving brief excerpts from press reviews and boiling them down into a single number (the "Metascore"). Unlike RottenTamatoes, Metacritic covers more than movies. Here's an example from Sam Harris' The End of Faith.

Metacritic's books coverage does not seem as strong as some other categories (560 ISBNs total), but I think it's useful and interesting. Perhaps some day LibraryThing will collect review snippets itself, but for now Metacritic should be a useful link.
Metacritic was informed of what we were planning, but no money changed hands. Hey, who can turn down a free link?

Metacritic's books coverage does not seem as strong as some other categories (560 ISBNs total), but I think it's useful and interesting. Perhaps some day LibraryThing will collect review snippets itself, but for now Metacritic should be a useful link.
Metacritic was informed of what we were planning, but no money changed hands. Hey, who can turn down a free link?
i think i heard rotten tomatoes somewhere...
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