LibraryThing reading and party tomorrow!

The reading is at 7:00 at Longfellow Books in Portland, ME (Google map). After the reading (8?), we'll be hosting a liquor-and-cheese party at the LibraryThing offices. Anyone familiar with the parties that Lisa and I used to throw will know the kind of Martha-Stewart-meets-Burning-Man event we're talking about here. Unfortunately, I'm planning it, not Lisa, so there will be no oregano goat cheese balls. But you'll get to talk to Kevin, meet the LibraryThing crew (including the new mystery employee)!
Here a review by the L.A. Times, and here's the flap copy:
It’s 1998. Or, as Randall Knight sees it, Y2K minus two. Randall, a twenty-five-year-old children’s singer and puppeteer, has discovered the clock is ticking toward a worldwide technological cataclysm. But he may still be able to save his loved ones—if he can convince them to prepare for the looming catastrophe. That’s why he’s quit his job, moved into his car, and set out to sound the alarm.
The End as I Know It follows Randall on his coast-to-coast Cassandra tour. His itinerary includes the elementary schools that have booked him as a guest performer and the friends and relatives he must awaken to the crisis. When nobody will heed his warning, Randall spirals into despair and self-destruction as he races from one futile visit to the next. At the end of his rope, he lands with a family of newly minted survivalists in rural Texas. There, he meets a woman who might help him transcend his millennial fears and build a new life out of the shards of his old one.
Dang the bad luck! I've got 2 other places I have to be tomorrow night or else I'd be there ... ESPECIALLY since there will be no oregano goat cheese balls. Dang!
As a long time "friend" of Longfellow Books, and practically next-door neighbor of the LT offices, I'm planning to attend at least the reading. As an old guy with a straight 8-5 job, I may skip the after party. All in all, I'm looking forward to this way more than the usual Tuesday night. Thanks for the announcement.
Thanks, Tim and LisaI'm looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Also, that LA Times review has expired into their paid archives, but here are some more reviews of The End as I Know It.
Have a nice time. I'd love to be there, but I haven't time to swim the Atlantic.
(PS I love the word "fapznot" that the verification robot has just presented me with!)
Tim, now that you have introduced the new employee to those privileged people, could you introduce him/her to the rest of us?
Actually, he missed the reading and although he came to the party, we didn't make a big deal out of him. He's working for someone else for the next few weeks—coming to the office on weekends of pep-talks, so I think I can't announce him.
Tim -- Tell us about the party -- if you're not too "disabled", that is.
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