Customize your book links

If you don't bother editing your links, the default set is selected based on your language--people viewing the site in French should see and, rather than their .com cousins.
Please let us know if you have suggestions for default links for the non-English sites, or other ways we can improve the links and this page. Given the staggering volume of contributions from LibraryThing members, this has the potential to become a very rich repository of online book services.
The current contents were derived from Wikipedia's Book sources page. Both it and LibraryThing's version are covered by the GNU Free Documentation License, so contributions will benefit the widest possible audience.
Update: We've opened a group, Book links questions and help, for people who want to make updates. We'll add a helpers log soon.
First of all, the inclusion of LibraryThing on the list of links is amusing and quite self-referential. I'm worried if anyone actually adds that to their list...
Also, on a somewhat related tangent, what about "personal book links" for our Library pages in a similar manner to these links for the Works pages?
I'm probably just about the only person who cares or has personal pages in my CMS for my LibraryThing books, but I built some quick and dirty integration of the LibraryThing data and my blog (for fun cross-links to my personal tags and my blog entries) and I think it would be cool to be able to add to my Library view (for the few people that even care to look at my Library here) to link to the book pages on my site... That is, right next to the link to the Work page allow me to place a formatted link to my own page such as$LTID replacing the $LTID with the LibraryThing book ID. (ie, 9715672 to choose a random ID from my library.)
Again, I can't imagine too many people would have personal links they'd want like that, but I think it would be cool for crazy coder+bookphiles like me.
(By the way, I actually don't have an LTID-based URL scheme, but it wouldn't be tough to add because I use the LTID to ward off duplicates. Right now I'm just using dirty autonumbers like which doesn't mean anything other than to the database until you visit the page to learn that it's my page on "The Dawn of Amber"... when I'm bored someday I'll make friendlier URLs.)
Er... find at links? page? Never underestimate the level of ignorance out here! I have no idea how to access this page so any steps 1 2 3 would be helpful or click here to access when talking about these new or additional features.
I attempted to add a link to the book distributor / wholesaler where I work in Australia (Rainbow Book Agencies), however it wasn't clear to me how to specify where the ISBN belongs in the URL.
Sorry for polluting the page with a few failed attempts :)
I just clarified the post a bit, blueidol, and added another screenshot. Also added instructions to the 'add link' form on the Book links page, which explain where the ISBN should go.
Thanks John - it's mostly working for me now.
Some more feedback - when I click on the alternate ISBNs, then click on my company name, it seems to use the primary ISBN for the search, not the alternate one.
Please call the Dutch Library "Koninklijke Bibliotheek" (Royal Library)
I'm missing as Dutch book seller.
Very practical, thank you! :-)
(When I click 'add a link / edit links', in the popup that opens, there is the text "When entering the URL, substitute the word "MAGICNUMBER" (without the quotes) for the ISBN." - is that on purpose? ;-) )
But when adding a link, all "find at new link" does, is opening that page, not starting a search there?
Sorry, found out to change the KB, remains the request for
Didn't want to post as anonymous two posts ago.
I added BookMooch from the list: working fine. just goes to the page (no search string).
This is wonderful. I've successfully added a link to my favourite bookstore. But, given Librarything's international nature, can we be a bit less US-centric please? Can we add a sub-category called the United States and move all the US bookstores there. I'd happily do this, but I don't want to start a war without warning!
Also, and I hate to be pedantic, the footer says you retrieved the data from Wikipedia on 9 March 2006. Unless this took a very long time to implement, I presume you mean 2007.
Hi John,
for a lot of countries it'd probably make more sense to have a list like that:
- Booksellers
- Search many individual booksellers
- Price comparisons
- Libraries
as you already have for US/international sites.
I've noticed you do not have any booksellers for Italy and few for Germany (libri and bookzilla are the same actually, being bookzilla libri powered).
Here the list of Wikipedia booksellers for ISBN Searches for Germany:
and Italy:
For Germany I would suggest and and (marketplace) and for Italy and and (marketplace).
Could you also add JustBooks as price comparisons for Germany and UK?
Thanks for improving usability and options for non US users... we do appreciate it!
Just to clarify, we didn't make up the list! We took it from Wikipedia with pretty minimal changes. The upside is that anyone can change it. And although the basic structure--dividing by type of source not by country--is set, you can change the sub-types as your heart desires. Just change it and you'll see a new category pop up. If you make a big change, you'll have to change a lot of headings, but as soon as a heading has no "members," it will go away.
Like all fixed systems, there are all sorts of edge cases and no perfect way. Is a US retailer? I'll bet it gets a lot of international orders. How about Abe? Strictly speaking, they're a *Canadian* outfit, but the majority of their orders and their sellers are US, and you'll often find a book at a bookseller in Germany or Italy or Venezuela or wherever.* I suspect they occasionally fill orders from the South Pole.
There's an argument to be made that we should collect all sorts of disparate information--country, size of library--and allow "faceted" display along all these types. But we want to keep it simple for all involved.
One last point, although I understand the desire to make LT more US-centric, I wish there were some way to avoid putting all US things at the very end of the list under "United States." You often see the location menus on websites *start* with the US, because although illogical it's more usable to more people. LT after all has something like 80% US visitors (with UK and Canada taking up all but about 5%). I'm not sure what the solution is, but I wanted to surface it.
This is a fantastic addition to LibraryThing. As someone who has added all their books -- and doesn't chat on the groups much -- this feature will draw me back in to LibraryThing.
I've added Dymocks Booksellers Australia to the list of 'Find at.. Bookstores > Australia'. I picked the wrong URL though, so the lookup isn't working.
Can we create a standing group for this feature so that we can chat to each other about how to 'add a link' properly?
Dymocks have an affiliate scheme like Amazon, so I'd like to set it up right so that LT can receive a 10% commission for my purchases!
I don't understand how to add a site. What URL is needed? Isn't it just the address of the bookstore? So where does the ISBN (or "Magicnumber") come in?
Would you mind posting an example?
(Not that there's any point in trying to add any bookstore that's part of Booksense right now. It looks like their site (hence all the store sites connected to them) is down for maintenance! Talk about poor timing . . .)
Yay! Booksense is back up.
(P.S. "edit a link" doesn't seem to be working. I click on it and nothing happens.)
As much as I like Booksense, maybe we should talk about adding every BS bookstore. I mean, you can get that by clicking the Booksense link, and if LT added a zip form, it could even skip that last step.
We need a conversation group.
As much as I like Booksense, maybe we should talk about adding every BS bookstore.
Here's the thing. If I use the Booksense link, it asks for my zip code and looks for the book in the store nearest to me geographically. Which is fine if there aren't many stores near you. But I want to know if the book is at Seminary Co-op Books, not the Bookstore at the Lutheran School of Theology, because I'm a member of Seminary and want to spend my money there.
Or maybe I'm headed up to Andersonville for some reason, and think, "If Women & Children First has this book, I'll stop in and get it". I'd rather go directly to their site than have to look up their zipcode to go through the Booksense site.
Oh, worse! It *remembers* the zip code I put in first! So now every book I look for, it sends me to the Lutheran School of Theology site, and I can't seem to tell it to go somewhere else! Ick!!! (I mean, nothing against the Lutherans, but their inventory doesn't stack up against Seminary Co-op.)
Why are you insulting the Lutherans! My ... okay, I have no Lutherans at all on any side. Indeed, strictly speaking I've got relatives who persecuted them.
Okay, I'm game for doing it store by store, on ONE condition. Someone at Booksense needs to answer my *!#$ emails. I've been trying to talk to them from before when Abe bought us. My wife's best friend was a top person there, and nada!
So, one "hello" from Booksense before we expand on all the free linking we're giving them!
(Only half kidding. What's up with those guys?)
I just created a Book links group, so these discussions/suggestions can have a home after this post rolls off the front of the blog.
How about odd readers likeme that live in a .com but have many .jp books?
Thank you so much for that!
And is it really necessary to have both and linked? (same for Abebooks) That's terribly redundant. Maybe some localization option for Amazon and Abe woul work?
dorothea: As I understand it, the various "national Amazons" are independent entities, so linking them together isn't a good idea. For Abebooks, though, I think it's just a localised frontend to the same database.
For odd readers like you, Missheru, this should be a be a big help! You can edit your links to point to whatever sources you prefer, regardless of where you (or they) are located.
Dorothea, for Amazon and Abebooks we include links to both .com and .de because, well, they're different sites. In the case of Amazon both the language and the books available are different. For Abebooks, the database is the same, but if you don't read English, the other language links are going to be much preferrable.
>dorothea: As I understand it, the various "national Amazons" are independent entities, so linking them together isn't a good idea. For Abebooks, though, I think it's just a localised frontend to the same database.
I think Amazon's got the same database underneath too, although I am puzzled by a seeming separateness on some accounts. As for Abe, although I really don't know their back-end, there are differences between the sites. Besides, having all the options there is just better than having some. Maybe you're an English-speaking expat in German, use to read reviews in English, to buy stuff you can buy without shipping from the US, because you enjoy the linguistic challenge or ordering English books for shipping to Germany in the French language.
> is it really necessary to have both and linked?
As sends books to where I live without transportation fee: yes :-)
Very nice, except that if my local library doesn't have the version of the book with the ISBN that LT chooses to search by (which seems to be the first ISBN in the book information), it gets no hits and then I have to do a title search to see if they really have it.
I tried clicking on the individual ISBNs in the list below the book cover on the left side of the screen. Clicking on any of them will pop up the "Find In" window, but if I click on the library link in there it still tries to search the first ISBN.
Is there a chance that you could change that so if I click on a specific ISBN and then on the library link in the pop-up window, that it searches that specific ISBN?
Or a title search would do as well - if I'm getting the book from the library I don't usually care about format.
Something to consider, anyway.
As a former Amazon employee, I can confirm that their various sites use different databases. For whatever that's worth.
Fishpond works. Very cool!
thanks for the changes in the blog some scales starting to fall from the eyes. Will now see if i can make use of it!
This is one add-on feature that works for the ultimate book searcher (like everyone here).
All the thrift stores around me do not have web sites. So, of course I must cull through piles of old books in the brick & mortar flea markets.
Sometimes during the hunt a real gem read surfaces.
Finally! I'm so relieved. Thank!
Laura June
This is an amazing feature. I added Webcat Plus and bk1
for Japanese books. Japanese users of LT are very fewer.
So, I added a new Japanese site, which is categorized
as a Price Comparison Site.
That's url is
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