Thursday, February 08, 2007

THE ten millionth book

At long last (and after some intensive database searching), we are pleased to present LibraryThing's ten millionth book. Drumroll please...

The city in which I love you: poems, by Li-Young Lee was added just after noon last Saturday, by user vinodv.* We're giving Vinod a lifetime account for this honor. According to his profile, Vinod is in Cambridge, MA—Tim's hometown, and just across the river from Abby. Hey, we could be hand-delivering a CueCat to go with that membership!**

The celebration continues though—get your entries in for the biggest baddest book pile bonanza ever.

*This was also apparently the very first book Vindod added to his catalog. Quel distinction!
**Only half joking, I think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the lifetime account! It's such a surprise. The ten millionth book also happens to be a birthday gift from my girlfriend -- which is a pleasant coincidence.


2/12/2007 7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful book to have as your ten millionth. It is an incredibly lovely book of poems and perhaps by featuring it here, more people will have a look. It's one of the favorites of my library!

- Lori Lis

2/16/2007 5:39 PM  

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