OttoBib links added

The feature is available on the work info page (card catalog page) for any specific book—yours or someone else's. Here's an example. At present, it only works for books, not for general works. (After all, a work may have 1,000 ISBNs under it.) We hope to extend this in the near future. The results aren't saved in any way, so if you're doing a bibliography, you'll have to do some cut-and-paste work.
We're linking to OttoBib because we think it was nicely done. But, down the road, LibraryThing may need a stronger solution—one that works with non-ISBN books and which saves and juggles citations, rather than just creating them. We have some ideas along these lines, but your suggestions are always apprecated.
Labels: academic, citations, new feature, ottobib
Very nice service, I see on their blog they now have a format (/wp) which returns copy-paste code suitable for Wikipedia. :)
This is wonderful. Thankyou.
Oh, I added Wikipedia citations.
Thanks Tim, the Wikipedia option could come in handy :)
The wikipedia citation? makes me scream in joy.
Thank you so much, Tim! You have no idea how handy this is going to come over the next few weeks alone...
the question is...can it cite those spam links in MLA?
Not any more you can't! :)
seriously this time...I've been tinkering with this, and it's incredible. This will save me hours during research papers. Thank you LibraryThing!
that is indeed a great addition. very handy indeed. but it makes one imagine, as i think you are suggesting in your original post, that things could be taken a little further.
For example, it would be very handy to have a library view that contained all your books in APA (or whatever) format, or even better, checkboxes which allowed you to "build" a page of such citations.
It would also be handy if this were exportable / saveable to a text file, for inclusion as a bibliography, references or works cited section in a piece of writing.
Oh, yes, that would be good...
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