Introducing the Helpers log
Update: Author links added. See below.
I've added a new page, the Helpers log, that tracks the various ways users help LibraryThing and each other—work, author and tag combinations, author picture and "author nevers." (John will add author links tomorrow.) The new page will make it easier for eagle-eyed Thingamabrarians to watch over what's going on with these critical activities, and smite miscreants.

By the way, did you know we are averaging 2,000 work-combination actions per day? Per day, folks! That's not even works combined, which is higher since a combination will have at least two and and high as twenty. It boggles the mind.
This isn't a small thing. You guys have up-ended the world of book data. And we've only just begun.
Update: Author links added. Unfortunately, we weren't storing the right data for author links. So it's only showing ones added since we fixed the system. It also means we don't know who added links before, not exactly anyhow. Again, apologies.
I've added a new page, the Helpers log, that tracks the various ways users help LibraryThing and each other—work, author and tag combinations, author picture and "author nevers." (John will add author links tomorrow.) The new page will make it easier for eagle-eyed Thingamabrarians to watch over what's going on with these critical activities, and smite miscreants.

By the way, did you know we are averaging 2,000 work-combination actions per day? Per day, folks! That's not even works combined, which is higher since a combination will have at least two and and high as twenty. It boggles the mind.
This isn't a small thing. You guys have up-ended the world of book data. And we've only just begun.
Update: Author links added. Unfortunately, we weren't storing the right data for author links. So it's only showing ones added since we fixed the system. It also means we don't know who added links before, not exactly anyhow. Again, apologies.
I just stumbled upon this! It's great. I've already begun smiting.
With great power comes... oh, heck with that, Lilithcat, you can have the keys to the server room for all I care.
Yay, great to see some new stuff cropping up - things were a bit stagnant there for a while :)
By the way, did you know we are averaging 2,000 work-combination actions per day?
I didn't know an exact number, but I've been aware for months that the task of 'work-combination' has been getting done.
I've done a minimal amount of this myself - and yet every time I look at my "unshared" books, the number has dropped.
I've been attributing this to "elves".
Nice log! I hadn't realised the sheer volume of activity.
One bug - every time I click on the author pictures link, I'm looped to a page that tells me I'm not signed in....but I am.
LT= ryn_books
> author pictures link
Fixed :-)
Nice feature; but where do "work separations" show up?
The author pictures in the main log all say they are of a single author but I know this is not so.
Love this! Can we have a link to the author picture quarantine also?
And to 'uploaded covers'?
And a way to see one's authors without (confirmed) links :-)
A bug?
On the log, with work combinations: I can only view 1 hour. Any other selected time gives a blanck page.
Other selections are OK.
Good catch. Got it.
Thanks for the fix.
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