Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Author disambiguation notices

I've added the ability to add and edit author disambiguation text. This isn't the "real" solution, which is still coming, but if you have the urge to clarify the difference between Steve Martin the author of Shopgirl and Cruel Shoes and Steve Martin the author of Britain and the Slave Trade, go ahead. It may help someone out ("This isn't funny at all!") and it will help us later when we have real disambiguation pages.

Steve Martin doesn't have one yet, but Christopher Locke does.

Results show up in the Helpers log.


Blogger Lowell R. said...

In the "Also Known As" column on author pages: "Q: What if disambiguation notice is wrong?" -- There's a "the" missing there.

2/27/2007 11:12 PM  
Blogger Abby said...

Fixed! Thanks for the sharp eye :)

2/28/2007 3:00 PM  
Blogger Luke H said...

so the process of untying two authors is called "disambiguation"? What would the permanent solution be? This feature is not available on AMazon is it? Oftentimes I click on an authors name and books are pulled up that having no contribution by that author; I'd like to correct it but have seen no way of doing so.

2/28/2007 4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The permanent solution is what librarians call an "authority file." (see the world's largest one at http://authorities.loc.gov ). There one sees that there is a difference between "Locke, Christopher" and "Locke, Christopher, 1968- ". It's a feature available at Library of Congress, which I use in preference over Amazon all the time when I'm adding books.

Use author's names the way they are written on library records over the way Amazon enters them.


3/01/2007 7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12/18/2007 6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12/18/2007 11:50 AM  

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