Monday, January 15, 2007

MLK day and new book pile contest

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day (the first since the death of his wife, the NYT reminds me), we announce a Black History Month bookpile contest.

Post your photos to Flickr, with the tag "LibraryThingBHM" by 3pm on Jan. 29th, and we'll announce the winner on the blog on February 1st.

We have a whole bunch of bookpile contests queued up now, so if this one doesn't strike your fancy, you can start preparing your piles for the upcoming celebration of 10 million books, Valentine's Day, Women's History Month, and more. We're also always looking for ideas for contests, so send those along too (I'm perfectly willing to have a Groundhog day contest, for example, if anyone thinks they could pull together a book pile for that)!


Blogger u l a n said...

I discovered the bookpile contests just recently.

May I suggest fantasy themed bookpiles? Perhaps a dragon hoard/pile?

That is, of course, if you haven't already done that.

=) ian.

1/15/2007 10:30 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

That's a great idea. So far we've been pegging it to holidays and other significant dates, but some themed one—fantasy is good, but others will suggest mystery, science fiction, etc.—is an excellent idea.

Abby's going to post a book-pile schedule soon. Let's see how it shakes out against that.


1/15/2007 11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure, but you probably have this on on the list - President's Day? We even have some groups devoted to Presidential literature. I know I'd be interested! :)

Maybe some color themes? All green books or something. heehee.

1/17/2007 9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked my idea for a Christmas book pile, although I admit my photo wasn't all that successful. It was the "Big and Little Books" theme--maybe you could add that to the list. (I had oversized illustrated books combined with several "mini-books", but there could be lots of variations on it.)

1/17/2007 11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to see a travel-theme bookpile contest, especially toward the start of summer. It'll give everyone who can only afford to travel via books a great incentive to map their "journey."

1/18/2007 7:11 PM  
Blogger Shawna said...

Actually... we might be able to come up with a Groundhog's day one, as long as we could get creative with the presentation. (Children's picture books don't spine-out so well...) Maybe St. Patrick's day and/or Easter? Of course, some of those are pretty U.S.-centric. Spring might be kind of fun, too.

I like the idea of genre-ish themed piles.

1/19/2007 5:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what LT really needs is a "LT is down" bookpile contest. The winning pile would be shown on the homepage when LT is down. Books strewn about, falling off shelves knocking the computers into bits... a little chaos has been lacking in the bookpile competitions.

1/23/2007 1:28 AM  
Blogger Abby said...

thelee - absolutely. The LT Down bookpile is now on the upcoming contests list...

1/23/2007 2:14 PM  

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