Vote for LibraryThing
Vote for LibraryThing in Mashable's Social Networking Awards. (You vote by leaving a comment.) We're in the "niche" category—I lobbied unsuccessfully for a social cataloging section—together with sites like CafeMom ("a place for moms")*, SneakerPlay (MySpace for people who care about sneakers), Share Your Look (MySpace for fashionistas), AdFemme (MySpace for women in the advertising industry), NextCat (MySpace for actors, makeup artists and other Hollywood types), MyChurch (Facebook for congregations), Dianovo (MySpace for environmentists)**, our good friends Wordie, LibraryThing for words, and our favorite site, LibraryThing (SneakerPlay for booklovers).

*It's depressing how much most "niche" sites ape MySpace.
**And people who enjoy splash screens. There's also BeGreen, which is focused on global warming, but sports a front-page photo of two hot women standing in stylish red 60s or 70s convertible which is surely not a hybrid.

*It's depressing how much most "niche" sites ape MySpace.
**And people who enjoy splash screens. There's also BeGreen, which is focused on global warming, but sports a front-page photo of two hot women standing in stylish red 60s or 70s convertible which is surely not a hybrid.
Do only votes on niche-social-networks count or also the ones on librarything-creates-.../?
LibraryThing (SneakerPlay for booklovers)
I was going to leave you if you called LT "MySpace for bibliophiles." In fact, you've related them syllogistically through SneakerPlay, so consider yourself On Notice. (Okay, you're going to have to put yourself on notice.)
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