Hanukkah Harry wants your photos
Quick reminder: Post your Hanukkah book-pile photos to Flickr, tagged LibraryThingHanukkah. Winner gets a gift account. So far, we have only one book pile, with dreidels, and two not-very-booky entries (some very nice sufganyot and a family video from Steve Cohen at LibraryStuff). Deadline is 3pm Thursday, Dec. 21.
Feature teaser: It won't make the end of Hanukkah, but LiveJournal and MySpace users should get a nifty, widgety Christmas present. Send encouragement to Chris (chrisgann).
Feature teaser 2: LC Authority Records, babee. Send fried donuts.
Feature teaser: It won't make the end of Hanukkah, but LiveJournal and MySpace users should get a nifty, widgety Christmas present. Send encouragement to Chris (chrisgann).
Feature teaser 2: LC Authority Records, babee. Send fried donuts.
wooooordpreeeessss. We want widgets too!
pretty please.
Huzzah, LJ widget! Thank you so very much!
Amy, the widgets already work fine on wordpress! See my blog (linked in my profile) for an example.
Yeah. I don't really understand WordPress. John of Squirl.info said he's lend us the scaffolding for his. But I don't really get what needs to be done. I'll look at it when we get LJ and MySpace first.
Yay, LJ widget would be wonderful :-) I feel naked in blogdom without one ;-)
100 $$a Nicholas, $$c Saint, Bp. of Myra. $$k Legend.
Ooh. Chris, that is a beautiful thing in that sidebar. Praise the Lord, you have worked wonders!
Thanks, Tim. And to everyone else -- widgets work fine with self-hosted wordpress blogs, but not at all with wordpress.com blogs. Sorry for the confusion.
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