AbeBooks.com scores, LibraryThing assists
Congratulations to AbeBooks.com, named one of the fifty top ecommerce sites by Internet Retailer magazine. Their category included iTunes, Netflix and SimplyAudioBooks.
As many of you know, I sold AbeBooks a 40% stake in LibraryThing back in May—I retain the rest—and LibraryThing and Abe have been working together since. Apparently Abe was picked for its focus on uncluttered findability and... for the investment in LibraryThing!
From the article:
As many of you know, I sold AbeBooks a 40% stake in LibraryThing back in May—I retain the rest—and LibraryThing and Abe have been working together since. Apparently Abe was picked for its focus on uncluttered findability and... for the investment in LibraryThing!
From the article:
"LibraryThing is a fantastic tool for avid book readers and collectors and may be even more sophisticated than the community features of "the Big Kahuna" of online bookselling, Amazon.com, says Sucharita Mulpuru, senior retail analyst at Forrester Research Inc. 'The tags seem more relevant,' she adds, 'and the lists seem more germane to book lovers than the random lists that often show up on other user-generated content sites.'"Apologies for recent (relative) silence. Chris, Abby and I met for the first time in months, and we emerged reinvigorated, well-fed, and with some clear short-term objectives: author enhancement, wish lists (dammit), search bugs and a blog-o-licious surprise.
Yay for wishlists!
Please include the ability to import Amazon wishlists as well, and there'd be no more reason for me to go there anymore.
Wishlists! Hooray! As a book blogger, I can't wait to find out what the "blog-o-licious" surprise is.
ankit, you can already import Amazon wishlists - see the "Joy" tab, "Universal Import" (http://www.librarything.com/import.php) under the section "grab from a webpage" where you can paste the URL of your Amazon wishlist.
Andrew: That'd import the wishlist into my catalog. I want my Amazon wishlist to be imported into LibraryThing's wishlist when it goes live.
ankit - indeed, but from discussions on LT Talk, it sounds as though the wishlist will be part of a later collections feature.
Collections has been discussed as being built using certain tags, so I feel safe to presume there will be some kind of transfer function.
Andrew: Thanks for the info, it's something to look forward to.
Don't want to mix up my catalog at present though, so I'll wait till the feature's implemented. Amazon's not going anyway for now.
That's a great writeup, congrats. If that doesn't give one an energy boost, nothing will!
Everyone I've introduced LT to has agreed it is already a near-perfect tool. My part of the country is not exactly a literary Mecca, but LT seems to be actually triggering more interest in casual reading among several I've talked to. Nothing bad about that!
blog-o-licious surprise?
Please tell me that I can have my own blog fed into my LibraryThing profile? I've spent all week wanting one...of course you're going to do it!! :)
Wishlists! Hooray! As a book blogger, I can't wait to find out what the "blog-o-licious" surprise is.
Wow . . .waht kind of jackpot have I truly hit? Finding Abebooks and Librarything in the same week . . .where have I been all my life?!?!?!?
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