LibraryThing integrates with Shaman Drum

Right now, it's just Shaman Drum. But the program is open to any bookstore. So long as you have a decent inventory system, it should be a snap. We've published participation details on our other blog. I'm going to approach a few, but feel free to let your local bookstore know about it.
If you've spent time in Ann Arbor, you know that Shaman Drum is the best bookstore in town, and one of the best independents in the country. It doesn't exactly lack for competition, with the flagship Borders store across the street and the Dawn Treader one street farther. I went to grad school in Ann Arbor, and Shaman Drum was practically a second home. I'm so glad the fine folks who run the place were receptive to my idea.
You know Tim bit by bit you're getting there. well done.
Love to see Portland, Oregon's "Powell's City Of Books" on here.
> Why not open this
I think Tim is working on it. :-)
A second "Aye!" for Powell's!
Wow, I used to live in Ann Arbor--1986-1990. Lived in Sojourner Truth Co-op. Worked at Drakes, Thanos, Michigan Student Union. Miss seeing Captain Dave and the Psychedelic Lounge Cats @ the Heidelburg.
Cool to see Shaman Drum added. Couple of my books that survived the move to Florida are listed on here. Bought all my mom's Christmas presents there. Crap, now I'm home sick for Michigan.
I would love to see the Tattered Cover added. Beyond the benefit of them being a local bookstore, they have always had a relatively decent web presence. (As a personal joy, they are staunch first amendment supporters and the owner has been given quite a few awards for independent booksellers).
I wrote them. Now let's see if it gets read. I did notice they have the sort of web back-end that should be able to do this.
If you are pursuing the connections to libraries, there might be some useful ideas at Jon Udell's
LibraryLookup Project. He's designed a system that looks up ISBNs in your local library's online catalog.
The real question is will Shaman Drum ship to those of us no where near Ann Arbor, or how do we encourage our own local bookshops to likewise become available through LibraryThing?
Anon: Yes. Udell's system interests me. I think it's time I gave him a call.
Kali: Shaman Drum probably ships, but they're not a national outfit. The way to get your bookstore online is to tell them about the service, pointing them to this post. (It has a link to what they need to do.) Most bookstores, however, do not have systems capable of reaching the web, unfortunately.
I think you should approach the BookSense people at ABA and see if they'd be interested in opening up their network of stores. I think it would be a win for independent bookselling.
Jonathan: I agree with you on BookSense. I've had no luck contacting them--tried multiple times, even pulling strings (my wife's best friend worked there). I'll try again, I guess.
If you want Powell's to work with this, send them an email or call them. I did. The more they hear about it, the more likely they'll take us seriously.
In the UK, I'd love to see Foyles on here, easily the leading independent bookseller. I've sent their customer services people an email (, but an approach from you/other interested LibraryThingers might help...
I need to integrate a non-profit bookstore into Library Thing. How can I get this going? They aren't set up with anything yet, but I can get them up and running. I need to get them able to use Library Thing AS their online bookstore, for free books to prisoners. No cash changes hands. Please advise.
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