Three changes: Search talk, show covers, more space

This will probably occasion additional requests—boolean operators, stemming, etc. That's great, but we wanted to get something out there now. The lack of search didn't matter so much in the first week or so, but Talk is getting to be quite a rich, complex area!

Chris rigged it up so that you can now adjust the number of covers shown in "Cover view" independent of how many you show in list mode. We have bigger plans for "Cover view," but this was an easy change to make.

Some text boxes--the ones on the "edit" page, but I'm open to others--now sport "more space" links. Click them and the text box gets bigger. It's ideal for those long review-types. You know who you are...
Issue update: Is anyone having problems loading the page? Someone with MSIE 7 said the program choked, apparently on Scriptaculous, a much-used JS library that I've employed here.
Is anyone having problems loading the page? Someone with MSIE 7 said the program choked, apparently on Scriptaculous, a much-used JS library that I've employed here.
My pencil seems to be broken. I get a blank screen. IE 6.
Chokes on IE6 and IE7 (and doesn't do anything for me in FireFox, but that might be my installation which is playing up in other ways too).
Okay. We're working on it. Thanks.
I use IE 6, and it seems to be fine (as of 11:45 a.m. Mountain). I tried the cover view in all the varying amounts and went through several pages worth and it didn't freak out.
In Firefox ( this function works just fine.
But the strange thing is, when I use the librarything blog widget, not all the same book cover appear on my blog page. This problem seems to occur especially with new book titles (most are not shown on my blog by the librarything widget).
That’s to bad because I think the librarything widget is an excelent tool. It was by this widget that I got to know about libraryting in the first place! I saw it on other blog and I thought cool! I want to have it too; it is a great way to show new books I am interested in.
Tim, is it possible to fix this problem?
I would like an option of seeing the Book cover as I "Add" books in the "Recently Added Books" list so that I can confirm that the cover image is the correct one. Very frequently it is different but I have to load the edit page to find out if it is the right one or not.
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