Arrr... the pirate bookpile winner
Aye, 'tis late in the day here, so aye, me hope e'eryone has been talkin' like a pirate today. Aye. (Look, a pirate-speak translator! If only I had seen this earlier today...)
Ahoy, now, the contest winner be announced. Only se'en people entard, but they war steller representati'es. (Me parrot concurs).
So we thank all of you - the pile held together by a bottle of rum, Donogh, (bookpile); the extensive photoshoot on the beach (one of my personal favorites) by Opinicus, (bookpiles); a pirate clock? who has a pirate clock? Argyriou, (bookpile); classic sea travel by brandonw, (bookpile); FTPLYA, (bookpiles) - the end result of looting a ship?; and of course, the clean nautical pile by debra_hamel, (bookpile).
It was indeed a close contest, but we've (ok, me, but with input from Tim) decided that the winner is... (drum roll...)
Topper, with an excellent mix of pirate books and pirate background (plus, the Sea Dogs is Portland Maine's baseball team). So, congrats to Topper, who gets a year's membership. (And a newspaper pirate hat, if he lives close enough to me - do you?)
Thank you everyone who entered, and be watching for the announcement our next bookpile contest, which will be sooner than you might expect (hint: start gathering your banned books).
Ahoy, now, the contest winner be announced. Only se'en people entard, but they war steller representati'es. (Me parrot concurs).
So we thank all of you - the pile held together by a bottle of rum, Donogh, (bookpile); the extensive photoshoot on the beach (one of my personal favorites) by Opinicus, (bookpiles); a pirate clock? who has a pirate clock? Argyriou, (bookpile); classic sea travel by brandonw, (bookpile); FTPLYA, (bookpiles) - the end result of looting a ship?; and of course, the clean nautical pile by debra_hamel, (bookpile).

Topper, with an excellent mix of pirate books and pirate background (plus, the Sea Dogs is Portland Maine's baseball team). So, congrats to Topper, who gets a year's membership. (And a newspaper pirate hat, if he lives close enough to me - do you?)
Thank you everyone who entered, and be watching for the announcement our next bookpile contest, which will be sooner than you might expect (hint: start gathering your banned books).
Thank you! And no, I live in Nashville, but I appreciate the sentiment.
Sadly, no hat for you. Enjoy the membership though!
I think we need a photo of Abby wearing said hat, or I'm not going to believe one ever existed.
Arrgh! I'd been lookin' forward to a new hat!
Banned books eh?
I'm feeling so generous, that I revise my earlier restriction on that part of the prize. Toppper - email me your snail mail address, and then start checking your mail box. What's your hat size?
Please, a picture of the hat in Maine (on Abby) AND in Tennessee, topping Topper. It's only right . . .
Great pictures, by the way.
Ed: Cool icon. One of the Indo-Greek kings?
Tim, I found it by Googling your AIM screen name. I was waiting to see if you would recognize it.
All this book pile stuff and swap stuff is neato keen, really. But please pardon me while I cry to the heavens and beg -- beg, I say -- for concrete information on when some of the long promised innovations will be implemented.
wish lists. the ability to add multiple authors, editors, etc. the ability to tell authors apart.
Any sign of these on the horizon? Do we have to behead a chicken and sprinkle the blood on our monitors to get even a *hint*?
Because the pirate pile is jolly, but what I come here for is a way to get my library organized.
To the last comment--and anticipating it with regard to the next--let me say that we're working very hard to move the site forward.
Wish lists and other collections. I'll ask Christopher to post here. I hope we can release them in the next week or so.
I'm tasked with the push toward internationalization. That will go a long way toward solving character set issues which have made people's life miserable.
I can't give you a date for authors, but it's high on the priority list after these.
Chicken entrails you say? That would certainly help.
Collections are in the final stages of being coded. I have had a bit of a time crunch on my hands and Tim and Abby have been more than gracious with me. I feel bad about taking so long but I also want to make sure that things work before releasing LT Collections Management into the wild.
I am working on some major code changes tonight and trying to finish up. But I also have to integrate some other code changes that have happened while my code was frozen from previous versions. I'm hoping those are quick changes.
Finally, we have to test for a day or two to find all of the major niggling issues. If nothing too bad is found then we will go live after that.
I'm hoping to get to the testing stage by the end of the weekend, but I'm not going to promise anything (that is, after all, the fastest way to jinx the timeline).
Please visit to get the latest information on preparedness and disaster assistance.
Question: Who could the Democratic National Convention possibly nominate in 2008 that would be credibly electable?
Why did Christ appear first to a woman, instead of a man in His resurrection from the dead?
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard L. Allinger []
Sent: Monday, Apr 17 2006 11:52PM
To: []
Would you please get yourself a cup of hot coffee or hot chocolate...I
want you to sit down at your computer and relax...I know you are still
little bit apprehensive about bad news since the 911, 2001
hold onto the arm of your chair with your left hand and lean back take
deep breath and begin to scroll down slowly with your right hand...get
another cup of coffee and begin to read...thank you, Richard Allinger
(U of M), BRE Candidate (UBI of UTS).
I was concluding a possible future nuclear war ...involving America,
because what a memo from the Secretary General of NATO stated: "the
Middle East conflict will escalate and if America so forces the
opposition...they may be tempted to deal the U.S. an all out crippling attack by nuclear means so they can turn everything around to their own advantage in the
Middle East."
You also have to remember that President Bush divided the UN on moving
in and toppling the government which was in place in Iraq back in 2003.
Therefore, the opposition may move in the future to de-stablize what is
presently in place in the Middle East...which naturally would involve
America, because she helps keep Israel powerful and present in that
Please note from the following newspaper excerpt the "spitting hatred"
that is in the hearts of the people of the opposition towards Israel
and those who have allied themselves with her...need I remind you we are
still in the "Age of the Gentiles", where Israel may be trodden down by other
"hostile" Gentile peoples and nations. The opposition forces have "nuclear baseballs"!!!
Please note: A defiant Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad shrugged
off international condemnation of his recent remarks on Israel and Judaism
and for the third time in a week described the Holocaust as a "myth"
that Europeans have used to set up a Jewish state in the midst of the
Islamic world. Addressing thousands of Iranians in the city of Zahedan ,
he said Wednesday, "This is our proposal: Give a part of your own land
in Europe, the United States , Canada , or Alaska to them, so that the
Jews can establish their country." Ahmadinejad provoked a chorus of
outrage in October by calling for Israel to be "wiped off the map."
Israel 's Foreign Ministry called the latest comments "outrageous." A
European Union spokeswoman said they were "completely unacceptable,"
and senior German leaders blasted them as "shocking."
I was surprised the pastor talked of meeting our Maker through a
possible global scale nuclear war, because, most of the tv pastors,
evangelists, and prophets I have watched lately... only speak of "peace" and
"prosperity" in this life with absolutely no illusions to an Eternal
State and preparing for this transition, which is in "God's Plan For The
Prayers, Brother Richard
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