Today, LibraryThing turns one. Last week we had cupcakes in honor of the
five millionth book being added; today, we celebrate with book piles!
The moment you've been waiting for—if you check the
homepage, you'll see the regular bookpile has been replaced with
ottox's winning submission, which came
complete with a story! It was witty, relevant and brillant. Congrats to him.

We got a
really good response to the birthday book pile contest. (So much that we're inspired to make holiday-book pile contests a regular thing.) It was hard to pick just one to feature on the homepage for today. They were
interpretive, celebrations of
growing older, and of
classic youth. A special mention goes to
lilithcat, whose
photo was pure genius (hint: read the lined up words in the titles in a line down), but a little too blurry.

The two runners up, who each take home a year's gift membership, were
staffordcastle (look at the first letters of the
book titles) and, for the delectable combination of wit and photo retouching,
Rachael (who also nailed us on a love of cupcakes)!
Thank you to everyone who entered—and to everyone on LibraryThing for reaching this milestone with us.
In the blog, please use absolute URLs for links, because when viewed in a blogreader (such as bloglines, or even in the "Leave a comment" section here), the URL for "homepage" becomes www.bloglines.com or www.blogger.com
Congratulations Tim (and team)! What you have accomplished is a very addictive service. The amount of stuff that one can do with the added information of the books one has is amazing.
The execution is well done. Simple and effective. Please keep up the good work.
To you, the team and LibraryThing a wish that future work will continue to be as fun and useful!
Many congratulations! Also must note that yesterday I had my first out-of-the-blue encounter in the 'real world' with a fellow LT-er, who came and visited the shop where I was working. You've created a wonderful site, and I can't say enough good things about it. Keep up the great work!
- Jeremy (jbd1)
Thank you! :-)
Congrats to the other winners--you had some fabulous entries. I especially liked staffordcastle's bookpile idea.
I'm pleased you like my wit and cupcakes. I have to say, though, I didn't do the cupcakes because I knew LibraryThing and the Spaldings loved them; I came up with the whole cupcake idea long before I saw your wife's cupcake picture. :-)
At first I had the mad idea of baking a cake in the shape of a pile of books, and frosting in titles, then I realized that:
a) I have no freakin' idea how to do such a thing.
b) That is insane.
So I went with offering up a pile of books on my grandma's cake plate as if they were a cake, and topping it off with birthday cupcakes.
In fact, I'd already purchased the supplies to make said cupcakes a week prior, and then the day I planned to make them and do the shoot, there was your blog post with the 5 million books celebratory cupcakes, and I thought, Oh, no. They're going to think I'm stealing this idea!
Hee. Anyway, what do I need to do now? I would like to give that membership as a gift.
Thanks again,
This was fun! I expect we're all planning how to top each other for your second birthday!
Wonderful. Congratulations to all of you who got it together enough to enter, with special compliments to Rachael. And, of course, most of all - to LibraryThing. (Not to mention its proud father and 'family.')
MANY, MANY happy returns (as Pooh would say). - And may they go on, prosperously and indefinitely. I can't believe you're only a year old, LT; you've grown so. You seem to have a long life ahead of you. :) But - as we often say to small humans - you've given me so much joy, already!
WOW! Thanks! :D
And congratulations once again!
And thanks again! :)
Why is the left side cut off the titles on the homepage winning photo? It's frustrating to get a sense of the titles.
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