Backup and import from Vox / Import synching

SixApart's new "personal blogging" platform, Vox, is also drawing some interest. Vox has a nice, but very rudimentary book tracking feature. We don't think of Vox as a competitor. They're more of a "gateway drug." :)
To seed the addiction, I have created a Vox backup / import feature. LibraryThing/Vox users can keep their accounts better in synch. And non-LibraryThing users get a simple way to backup their Vox books. And, when you've done that, why not throw them into LibraryThing and see what happens? (LibraryThing will help you create an account in the process.)
The Vox import isn't instant. Vox uses a proprietary number for each book, so LibraryThing needs to "go into" each book page, searching for the links to Amazon (which have ISBNs in them). To avoid annoying Vox's servers, we fetch one page per second. So a Vox library of 60 books will take a minute to load. We have prepared suitable entertainment to hold you over.
From what we gather of Mena and her team, SixApart believes in openness and making their users happy. We hope they feel as we do: You own your data. Vox users should be able to make backups and cross-list their books. But if Vox shuts us off, we're counting on the Vox/LibraryThing and LiveJournal/LibraryThing community to rise up and take to the barricades! Aux armes citoyens!
Synch your books. I've improved the import feature. You can now choose only to import NEW books. Thus, LibraryThing now "synchs" with offline cataloging applications. I only realized how useful this would be when I started scanning in books with Booxter.* I thought "Wow, I need a synch feature!" Hit me; this feature should have come months ago!
*Booxter is a nice ap. Not quite as beautiful as Delicious Library, but, like LibraryThing, Booxter cares about good data, for example mining some libraries for data. Raise your hand if you think LibraryThing and Booxter should be friends!
Both Delicious Library and Booxter sound like very good applications but they're both for Mac. Do you recommend any similar applications for Windows? I'm inclined to use BookCat but I'm really not sure!
I wish I knew. My opinions are only about the companies. Early on I tried to work with them; I think LT makes a great compliment to an offline ap. But they weren't receptive. Readerware, meanwhile, threatened to sue us for using their name in Adsense searches! (The legality is on our side, but it wasn't worth the stress.)
Tim, can you describe a bit how the importing new books works? I've been wanting to integrate LT and Books with a Books plugin for some time now.
338 members
Actually, 346, and another 50 watching the community (able to comment, but not to post).
Did anyone else import from Vox and wind up with a load of books (I got over 40, out of 77 imported) that are definitely not in their Vox library? I hadn't even heard of any of them.
Crikey. There must be some suggested books in there. I hadn't see that. Can you shoot me your Vox name?
But it doesn't help us get our LibraryThing books into Vox, correct? Is there anyway to do that?
Tim H
I'd love it if LibraryThing and Chris Karr's were best friends! Chris has been making some plugins to work with various book swapping services, and I think something similr could be done to mak a plugin that synchs with LibraryThing!
Anyone want to think about how to get the books into Vox? I'm not sure how to do it.
I've been in touch with some of the Vox folks and the word is that while they like API goodness, it's probably not that high on their priority at the moment as they work to get the site ready and released for October.
Can Delicious Library and LibraryThing be friends? Its sad that my two favourite book apps don't currently inter-operate as nicely as they might...
After trying many book cataloging apps I settled on Bookpedia (Mac). Try it!
yes please! i pine for the day when lt and booxter can be firm and fast friends! would enable me to upload my non-isbn'd books!
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