Server problems abating

Stewie and Seamus, Chris' dogs
Long version: Introducing... Chris Gann (LT: stalepez, chrisgann

The new servers have been up for almost two days—long enough to see that, at least as far as speed, things are shaping up. We've moved from one fairly modest server in California—a second one broke right before the Wall Street Journal article hit!—to three servers, two moderately powerful and one a "monster." They are set up as a "master" and two "slaves."** The master handles "writes," the slaves "reads." Read load is balanced between the two slaves, and they "fail over" to the other if something goes wrong. The system also provides increased data security, with complete database copies stored on three computers. It is also possible to take one server offline for backups without causing interruptions. I can also finally run statistics pages—the Zeitgeist particularly—without hiccups.
We saw an immediate improvement and speed has picked up as "caches" grew and as scripts were modified to take advantage of load distribution. (Maybe 1/3 of scripts have been rewritten, but they are the heaviest ones.) Between midnight last night and this morning, the master, "Zeus" had only three "slow queries" (11, 13 and 13 seconds respectively); everything else took less than 10 seconds. The slaves, Apollo and Athena, had zero and 12 slow queries respectively. That looked odd, so we dug into the code and discovered that the randomizing function was giving Athena too much work. I expect the number to drop as the load balances better. As for the servers presently in California, one will be charged with the worst queries—recommendations and relatedness—doing them on a schedule and caching the results. The second will become a development server, so when I try to run a "six degrees of Jane Austen" it doesn't crash the database.
Oh, best of all, because of an order mixup, we have three more servers sitting in the LibraryThing foyer. As far as Dell believes, they don't exist. They won't let us send them back—the charge has been refunded too. I suspect they'll eventually come to their senses and let us send them back. If not—hey—sever error in our favor!
Character-set issues. Users have reported problems with character sets. As the data transfer was binary, this is probably a configuration issue. (I believe the same thing happend before, and was fixed with a configuration change.) Chris is on the problem, and will report back here or on the Google Group as soon as he can.
We thank you for your patience. I can't promise problems are forever over, but a significant step has been made. With luck, we won't be firefighting all the time, and be able to push forward the site more.
* In a strange twist of fate, the co-founder of OpenAvenue, Jayson Minard, is now the CTO of Abebooks.
** As an American History major, these terms still give me the creeps.
The only thing I find strange is the notion that Apollo and Athena could ever be slaves to anyone, even Zeus!
brian, if you go to the author page for Zoe Coulson and look at the "Also known as?" column on the right, if "Coulson" is still on there, there should be an option to "separate" that author from Zoe Coulson.
Actually, I just checked, they are all combined as "Coulson", so you'd need to separate "Zoe Coulson" and "edited by Zoe Coulson" from the Coulson author page, and then you might need to combine to two Zoe Coulson entries. Try this yourself and see if it works.
Hello Everyone:
As a retired US Marine and a historical researcher, I think you all are doing a fantastic job.
I have only a small catalog listing, but I appreciate the quality of the site.
Have fun in what you are doing.
Keep up the good work.
Jack Robinson,
Gysgt., US Marine Corps, Retired
Historical Researcher
Thanks Jack!
Marie: I know. It would be one thing if slavery were race-blind and very distant. But it wasn't and it's not, at least to many people.
I mean, can we call them railroad bosses and Chinamen? No, I think. So, slaves is better?
Oh, just think of it as a BDSM thing.
Bertilio. I hope I get an email from Chris telling me he changed something. Otherwise I can't explain how it fixed itself.
As for the Latin-1 issue, doesn't the collation only affect how it *sorts*?
I'm going to work on this in the next few days, as will Chris.
Wow, the increase in speed really is impressive this morning! Very nice indeed.
Re the character set issue: Something certainly seems to have changed... but now, when I search for "schönberg", I seem to be geting a list of all entries that have an umlaut vowel anywhere in any of the fields, like this:
Which is slightly better than the "No books" result, but still not quite ideal. :)
I just noticed that the search box within the library catalogs searches my library instead of the library I'm visiting. :)
ROFL @ lilithcat!!!!!
That's the first thing that went thru my mind too!!!!
GACK!!! I guess that shows how MY mind thinks!!!!
The 'date aquired' field in catalog view allows me to enter a date when I double-click it, but no matter what format for the date I choose, it does not permanently update the field when I 'Save' it - is there something I'm not doing correctly?
Gone now. We were instituting some more protections. We over-protected.
Im a newbie, but i love the site and the idea. I opened anaccount and cant get a book to take keep getting this error
Table './librarything/bookstack' is marked as crashed and should be repaired - fatal error (11)
growing pains?
My mother had an old Webtv...and updated it to the current version. She was dissatisfied though, so she called to switch back to the old version. (I know, she's crazy)...and MSN, after refusing to allow her to mail the newer system back (brand new, mother had it for 2 days)...they finally agreed to come pick it up. They never showed. She still has a brand new WebTV system. guess she'll sell it on Ebay or something. (And, she was fully refunded.)
the moral of the story? I don't know. But, it maybe it's more of a hassle for the computer companies to have stuff returned than to just let you have it. (seems far-fetched though). Or maybe it's a computer glitch. Ah, the irony.
So, maybe you just got 3 free servers. :D Let's hope!
My library is unaccessible/erased possibly. I have entered over 360 books and have another 600 to go and now it says there is nothing there!
This has been since yesterday (July 24 noonish). Am I the only one this has happened to? There are no contact links to even try to get a hold of someone! What is going on? I am thinking I want a refund. My profile even says I haven't upgraded to a paid account.
Why is there no contact tab? Or was that done on purpose?
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