Over on LibraryThing's
Thingology blog, I blog the unveiling of thingISBN, LibraryThing's first API. thingISBN is LibraryThing's "answer" to
xISBN—give it an ISBN and it will give you ISBNs to other editions of the work. Where xISBN uses
FRBR, LibraryThing uses the "everyone is a librarian" works system. thingISBN isn't going to replace xISBN, which is an extraordinary service, but it can supplement it in interesting ways. For starters, it knows a lot of paperbacks xISBN doesn't.
This is red meat for mashups and of interest to catalogers and library systems programmers. But most "regular" LibraryThing users won't care much, so I won't drone on about it here.
Cool Idea, love zeitgiest.
Welcome to the blogger "blogs of note" list on the blogger main page.
Wow, that's great. I wonder how long Blogs of Note stays?
It takes about a month to be dropped out the bottom : )
ISBN didn't he write the "Doll House?"
Yr thnkng f IBSN...
Just a note to draw your attention to some cris de coeur going on in the Google group.
Apparently many hours of work spent disentangling 'Various' have come undone, with much gnashing of teeth as a result.
How do you get on the blogs of note page? Bloggingmight be a good idea I guess.
i want a way of recording all the foodstains on my books (i read while i eat - it's a waste of a mealtime otherwise)
I was just having a look at the user book feeds library thing provides (eg http://www.librarything.com/rss/recent/stewartj puleed out at random) and i was wondering if there is a way of mapping from the book number that appears in each item link (eg book=2782480 as in http://www.librarything.com/catalog.php?book=2782480&mode=card)# to an ISBN?
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