Sunday, June 04, 2006


Sorry about the slow-downs today, which occasionally resulted in server overloads (very long page-loads). This is in part related to recent traffic increases, and in part to imperfect optimization. I fixed one major bottleneck, and am looking for others.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your over loads.
I'm not a coder,by choice,not for lack of ability or tallent.

Just a thought.Perhaps you could set up a server sideappthat would allow you to see what the most used features are in realtime, over the course of any time frame?

I would think you'd find the bottle necks on the fly.

6/05/2006 6:53 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

Mostly it's just an INSANE amount of MySQL queries. I do a lot of cacheing, but now and then a query will have to take some time. Some, like the "recent books" RSS feed for something like "fiction" are just beasts. A couple of those hitting at the same time, with the cache expired, and the requests pile up.

The answer is a slave. LT has one, but it's never been stable enough to run on its own for long periods of time. That's desideratum number one.

6/05/2006 10:56 AM  
Blogger Chuck Ralston said...

Having prob with LOC search results. When I select one to add to My LT, I get a small windo with 'User Account'. Wht's this?

6/06/2006 12:31 PM  
Blogger Chuck Ralston said...

What's happening with LOC search results? When I select one to add to My LT catalog, I get a samll box asking for USER. Not there yesterday.

6/06/2006 12:33 PM  
Blogger sybil said...

Thanks for the heads up and for working on it! The site rocks.

Thanks for all you do!

6/08/2006 2:33 AM  

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