New lifetime member
Say hello to LibraryThing's newest lifetime member, Liam Patrick Spalding, born 5:24am 3/9/06. Mother and baby are doing well.

Liam thanks everyone for your support. It bought him a swell nursery!
Liam is fortunate that both his parents work at home (web developer, writer). But give me a few days before any new features are added, eh? For now, Abby ( is handling user emails—she'll also be checking my email account. Austin ( is handling server issues.

Liam thanks everyone for your support. It bought him a swell nursery!
Liam is fortunate that both his parents work at home (web developer, writer). But give me a few days before any new features are added, eh? For now, Abby ( is handling user emails—she'll also be checking my email account. Austin ( is handling server issues.
Labels: LibraryThing babies
Welcome the world, Liam!! :-)
Congratulations to all of you! Enjoy every minute - they grow up frighteningly quickly!
Congratulations, and I wish you both some sleep in the next few months! Welcome to parenthood!
Welcome to the world Baby Liam!
Congratulations!! As greyhead said, they grow up VERY quickly, so maximize and enjoy all the time you have with him.
Wow, look what you made.
The youngest Thingamabrarian is an alert little guy. Welcome to him, congratulations to his parents.
PS You know that for a good while you will be not-the-mama? But eventually that will pass.
I heard they grow up a little less quickly if you stick with organic milk without hormones.
I mean, congratulations!
Congratulations :) He's adorable. Your life will never be the same, but you won't care. Get a copy of Goodnight Moon. You'll go mad, reading it every night for three years in a row, but he'll love it. My guys did.
Thanks everyone!
Dystopos: We've been 100% expensive--I mean organic--for nine months now.
Tardis: How else would a child know what "mush" was? Speaking of baby books, I was very fortunate to work for two years at Houghton Mifflin. Liam is SET!
Thanks again. Don't worry about the site stalling. I'll be doing a little less, but others will be doing more. For starters, somebody finished up a LiveJournal-compatible widget, which shouldn't be too hard to hook up.
As they said, babies do grow up faster than one would like. But Liam is beautiful and looks ready for all this new stuff in his environment. Goodnight Moon is great but we had a lot of fun with Dr Seuss as well. I got really tired of Hop on Pop and Fox in Socks!
now wait. for a little boy, you've got to have "Love You Forever" in the library...
and there's no such thing as set when it comes to kid's books. Rosemary Wells, Maurice Sendak, Helen Oxenbury, the list is endless.
Welcome, Liam! You are adorable!
I've got a copy of 'The Night Before Christmas' to read to you when you're ready. ;^)
felicitations, and good luck.
Look his eyes are wide open... quick, give him a book! :)
Absolutely - wide-open and beautiful and just waiting to take stock of all the books around him! I'm glad he's well stocked, though they're right; there's no such as quite enough. :) (But I think you knew that.)
A thousand welcomes to Liam, and my sincere congratulations to you and Lisa both! Enjoy every bit of this precious time - and thank you for sharing him with us.
Onneksi olkoon!
(That's Finnish and I let everyone figure out what in Earth that might mean :)
Congratulations! Welcome, Liam! :)
What a handsome little fellow! And very alert-looking. And as the others say, there is no such thing as set for baby books! I'm sure we could come up with more than a few 'must have' titles for you...
[My son was started on The Very Hungry Caterpillar at nine hours old - he didn't offer much opinion beyond 'nung' at that point, but two and a half years later he can read it to me pretty well, and tells me how sad the poor caterpillar is when he has a stomachache, and last night he suggested we all had nice green leaves for dinner. That kind of moment more than makes up for the toddler tantrums!]
Best wishes to Mom, and enjoy your babymoon!
Babies everywhere lately! I've just become a great aunt. Yours looks fab. Congratulations!
Ahh, he is so sweet looking. Enjoy your new baby and be sure to read to the little fella. He will grow up with a love of books.
Congratulations to you and your wife! :-)
Congratulations! Looks like he's raring for something to read already. ;)
I've just added Tibor Gergely's Great Big Book of Bedtime Stories to my catalog. I was reminded of this book by the comments here about books for Liam. I used to read Five Little Firemen by Margaret Wise Brown and Edith Thacher Hurd from this book to my oldest son (now 22 and a grad student) night after night. It was his favorite. He was quite young, but talking - I really don't remember his age at the time. Imagine my surprise one evening when he began to recite the story along with me as I read! He could do it nearly perfectly, from beginning to end. What wonderful memories. I know you, your wife, and Liam will have similar happy occasions that you will never forget . . .
Congrats to your mom and dad, and welcome, Liam!
Look at those eyes! He looks alert and eager already. Congratulations on the birth of your son.
Welcome, Liam!
Chiming in with warm congratulations. Yes how alert he looks. Liam is a beautiful name.
Awww! He's precious. Congratulations!
Congratulations!! He's beautiful!
He's precious! Such an alert little fellow-he's going to be a handful. ^_^ Welcome Liam!
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful miracle (picture is worth more than a million books).
Gee, how lucky your baby is. He shall have so so many books to read when he learns what we all here love to do. His lifetime account with librarything is a great gift from you and his mother.
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS..... :*)
Congratulations! :) What a cutie pie!
That's one sharp-looking baby. Congrats!
Mazel tov! What a handsome little guy. He has this "lost in a good book" gaze. :)
Congratulations :-)
Used book shopping will never be the same ;-)
Congratulations/mazel tov! What a beautiful baby!
I trust he'll get his own free lifetime account?
Mazel tov! What an adorable and alert little guy. Almost ready for "Where the Wild Things Are" already!
Get some sleep, when you can, and enjoy your tiny guy. They are quite wonderful.
Does Liam have his own ISBN? ;)
I remember having a book when I was a kid, it had some sort of robot in it, and ended with the line something along the lines of 'And the robot said "Beep-Boop"'. I have tried googling for it in the past but I haven't been able to find it. Anyone out there have an idea?
Congratulations to mom and dad. Liam, you're beautiful!
Congrats!!! Happy bed time reading to you all :)
Congratulations from Italy! Paola
Just wanted to add my congratulations. Liam looks very beautiful May he endowed with health, wealth and a love of books!
Another reader is born!
Beautiful baby! I tip my hat to the future reader. Congratulations!
Awww! Soooo cute! Congrats on the little blessing! :)
Here's my obligatory "awww" and "congratulations:"
Warm congratulations!
Your life will now be busier, messier, and much more joyous than you ever would have guessed.
Say bye-bye to sleeping and a hearty hello to wonder.
And now you have a perfect cover for enjoying kids' books again!
AWWW! Adorable baby! Congrats to both of you. :-)
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